Eric Henwood-Greer

Would it cost more than Sense8? (Of course that show seems terribly expensive—mostly due to the location shooting, and it seemed for a while like it might not get a second season)

The first, much more horror based arc seemed much more connected to the DC world—and that was (largely) phased out, though, as you mention, there were cameos (and some extended cameos around forgotten DC characters—I'm blanking on the name but there was that short story about the woman whose face was melting off or

I love Lynch but… no. :P

Well to adapt any of the existing stories they'd need a larger budget than Stranger Things (I think?) for one thing…

A TV series would be hard enough to pull off—but this is one property that never should be a movie or even movie series… Maybe it's been mentioned, but anyone remember that early script floating around that essentially seemed to turn it into a horror movie?…

Oh, I tried as well…

I was being a jerk—just pointing out that those videos were no longer blank videos… But I know what you mean (and I did the same). I feel pretty stupid for even writing what I said.

By the by, the BBC recording of the live anniversary stage version which a few of us have mentioned and, while far from perfect, is much much better than this, is on youtube in full in good quality. Just search BBC Rocky Horror.

Sorta to my surprise, I mostly *loved* this book (the whole final dinner party act is a real tour de force)—I am very mixed on Roth but had to read it for an undergrad class and the essay I wrote is actually what got me a full scholarship for grad school so—thank you Roth.

How was it gayer? I have been a fan of Ashford since her Broadway debut—and she's often the best thing on Masters of Sex so did like her Columbia.

Agreed about the posters…

The songs are great (unlike Shock Treatment—sorry fans). I would disagree on one point—while the following the film got was unexpected, Richard O'Brien always intended the musical to be campy on some level—the implication here is that they were writing a serious musical. This isn't camp the way, say, The Room is.

Ortega's chorus dancers are *always* directed to be like that—so, of course, it's his blame (from Newsies on)

Well, writer of the whole thing essentially… To be fair he hated it before it even started filming but… he wasn't wrong.

And he was honestly very strong in the infamous crapfest that was Spiderman on Broadway which he somehow stuck with for nearly 3 years…

WHat was Ortega's overall concept? The castle they go to is the movie theatre from the opening? Or is it? He seemed to change his mind moment from moment (if you're gonna try for some weird concept then actually do it…)

Yeah—awful. But I didn't have a huge prob with the cast one way or the other (except for the miscasting question)—it was just the overall tone that was so constantly completely off. Jumping on the bed during Touch Me? Is it meant to be more for kids or not—cuz from scene to scene I sure couldn't tell. The whole

I suppose I always forget about the US and sex. It's a PG currently here in Canada (or maybe 14 Years—the equivalent of PG 13). Still, I think it probably could get a PG 13 in the US now if re-submitted…

Was Anderson Cooper still hosting at that point? That's all I remember…

And Kylie Minogue!