Eric Henwood-Greer

Hey, don't disrespect Rick Moranis like this.

No audible boners from the female audience?

Which tour is that?

He's been bad mouthing it for a long time. Since this is a remake of the movie, and not a new version of the stage show, he apparently gets no profit from it.

I saw Hall as the Emcee in the Sam Mendes' Cabaret and he was pretty much perfect—and I think would similarly suit the dynamic of Frank… (I see that Ineda named three actors who played the Emcee in that production)

And the thing is, Rocky Horror wouldn't even get an R nowadays…

He also did Newsies which, thanks to the decent Broadway version, some typically decent Menken songs, and a TON of nostalgia from people who were kids when they first watched it, seems to genuinely be seen with affection now. But… it's not good. (though I do get a kick out of watching Christian Bale's dance

Agreed (as I said somewhere way way way down below)

I'm with Ice Cream Planet. I loved it—and I admit I'm someone who couldn't sit through Oldboy (more because extreme violence makes me squeamish).

I've heard the 4H term/name but that's pretty much it—but I didn't exactly grow up anywhere where farmers lived… Sounds like I missed out.

Not to mention on stage and in the film of Bye Bye Birdie as the father…

Yes. I couldn't remember her name (and, while I love Toni, I am no Nia fan so didn't think it was worth looking up…) I did watch the movie on tv one hungover Sunday, however.

Fair point. I don't get the impression the reviewer meant it that way, however, but… I'll give you that one.

Fair enough—your mileage may vary (re that SNL skit it may have helped that the gay people at the cast party were openly gay…)

I liked it alright, as I said, but I do agree with that—apparently that's the standard in Australia now as well. I guess it's what happens when these things enter the realm of nostalgia (while I'm not really a fan, see also Grease)

Being in Canada, I have no idea what 4H means. It prob depends, of course, on the school—theatre was a pretty big thing at my school so you'd get the sports people, etc, trying to find out where the cast parties were, instead of the other way around.

So disappointed that the released filmed version of Passion doesn't have the nudity (at the time, I swear I remember hearing that they filmed it both ways…)

I think an A is too generous (I'm sure others agree with me, but I haven't gone through all the posts yet.)

Really this was doomed when pictures were released and Rocky was shown in •baggy• shorts. I mean, really?

Was Cry Baby?