Eric Henwood-Greer

Seriously, if I were the kid I would have just tried to leave with it over my arm—not *wearing* it

Considering Anderson apparently finds half a cocktail too much for him, I think you're right.

Right not to mention several other successful very similar shows (by the same production team and others) that have had extended runs in New York.

Couldn't she just go… to Ray's coffee shop instead of a play to tell him about Charlie's misfortunes? (But, obviously as you imply, that wasn't why she was there)

Usually in shows like that you do follow one character (though with various paths) or something similar. And, if possible to do, you usually do get warned and kicked out if you're that disruptive…

I know, right? Maybe she meant Satyr butt, but then that wouldn't really explain a protruding butt so… Lena fail.

Sorry for the double post—I'll just blame my cell phone :P

I guess. And of course I say this as a Looking fan (albeit one who does find Patrick annoying, but they established his character from the start). Girls and Looking are completely different stylistically. Patrick and Eli are roughly the same age (although I think Eli is meant to be a bit younger whereas in real

You're not (but, as I said below, I also found the Kick the Can episode stupid—though in hindsight less so—so take that for what it is). I have a love/hate for this show in general, but I was starting to really feel it this season.

When he did the procedural tv show I honestly wasn't quite sure if we were meant to think he was genuinely great or not… I *think* with this immersive theatre show we were meant to think it ultimately wasn't all that well acted/written in general (though man whatever theatre company did it had a big budget…)

I dunno. I know many liked Looking a lot less than I did, and I did find a lot about Patrick annoying. But they established his character from the start. I just don't get what that has to do with Girls—a stylistically very different show—or Eli. Eli and Patrick are roughly the same age (though I believe Rannells

I just don't really see the similarity—besides one being a subplot given all of 10 minutes total of screen time, there's the money/celeb difference for one. Is it that they're both gay storylines? *shrug*

Fair point—it's been a while since I've seen (done?) Sleep No More, and you're right there are rooms or areas you just kinda look around and examine what's there.

Yeah, in his defense, aside from not being shown as all that perceptive anyway, he did just have a fight with Hannah where she basically said they should break up—I'm not sure why he would assume she wasn't just reacting as she was due to all of that.

*Exactly* I think Outlander is worth discussing and arguing about its importance—at least as much as a myriad other cable shows that seem to be taken much more seriously. But this article didn't even try (except that it looks great and apparently is well written, bla bla, but "important"?)

LOL I would actually welcome (in all seriousness) an argument about its importance. I think that would be fine—but this review didn't seem to make much of a case. (Don't get me wrong—I'm excited for the premier, I'm glad it's apparently at least as good in the first five episodes, but the review no where really

Obviously Eli was caught up in it all, and the realization that maybe he wasn't the only guy in Dill's life hit him hard so he reacted—- And this is a show that likes dramatic moments, but since I still feel like their relationship isn't all that old, it struck me as a bit much that he didn't at least wait till after

Ha—flashback to a way too upscale for me gay party in Montreal I somehow ended up at. Some drunk/high guy was leaving and I noticed he was wearing my coat (and the guy *knew* it wasn't his—this wasn't some drunken accident) and we got into it until he finally took it off…

Smaller scale shows like that are pretty standard in New York (and elsewhere) right now. Sleep No More the kinda riff on MacBeth has been doing capacity business for nearly 5 years now I think to great press.

Lounging on a bed in those kind of immersive theatre things isn't strange—though it is strange if they have a room with no actors in it. (And the very size of this particular immersive theatre thingie was kinda oddly massive—I mean something like Sleep No More doesn't rent out a fancy apartment block…)Desi I guess is