Eric Henwood-Greer

Agreed. And honestly I've had some random nights like that—where I run into an old friend and end up doing things I never would normally do, or turning a blind eye to things that otherwise I might not. I probably too would draw the line at the needle—which maybe doesn't make a lot of rational sense (I've known

SHe almost did get murdered? That seems a bit of a jump—and it's not like staying with Desi would lower those chances…

I know, right? A story of Liza working retail seems like it could have filled at least a full episode—not five minutes.

Have I just been watching too many soaps, or is Chad going to end up being Thad?

Please never mention those two horrible shows in a CexG thread again. Thanks ;)

He really has done a lot of good work—I've read several of his plays and seen Good Boys and True. Also wrote a decent Looking episode (as well as some Supergirl this year which I've not seen…) On the other hand he wrote the misguided Carrie remake (funny, his Glee stuff was largely based on the heavy handed bullying

I didn't know Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa was involved. He's EXTREMELY hit or miss. (he wrote a few Glee episodes and even by Glee standards at the time they were pretty crap)

Coldplay, The Shins, etc. The Iron and Wine cover of Such Great Heights seemed to be what was associated with it the most. I remember a lot of my female friends having it—NONE of my male friends (gay or straight) for the record.

It was renewed very early on. We're getting thirteen episodes this year so, ummm, three left.

LOL Was Marilyn known for talking about her (literal) dragons?

Gotta disagree with the review that "we also get some slightly more meaningful shenanigans with Margo and Eliot," I thought that was the weak link, and their story seemed more thrown in than ever before—with only that final story beat with Eliot confessing how broken he felt to Margolem making me even slightly

If you haven't seen it, track down the original HBO special of the stage version. It's a lot of fun, I think.

And his dating is not really very different than a gay guy and his best female friend anyway. Actually that might not be true in Big Top PeeWee, but I just remember how disappointing that whole movie was.

I think Pee Wee probably came right at the right time that a lot of people were starting to write more general, scholarly queer type things about pop culture. I never really thought about it either, of course (I was born in 1980) though I did see when I was 12 or so the original HBO special—I hadn't seen anything

Yes. So ugh to these moments—they just feel so try hard to me—I think the first time one really bugged me was that whole drunken kick-the-can game last season.

Serious? Even as a kid I remember some controversy about the show and it exposing kids to this gay/camp aesthete (though honestly I think it also went over most people's heads)

Not that it's worth much, there was a Bechdel Test line on tonight's The Magicians as well…

There is a musical based on Moby Dick—it's had some success in the UK regionally. OK, it's not based on Moby dick, but a typically British satire about a girl's school putting on a Moby Dick musical in a swimming pool…

I coulda done with one more song—and thought maybe those scenes could have been livened up by one (yes, I know we kinda got a second song with the Moby Dick thing but… not really)

Exactly. The film works for me because of the visuals, the sound, and certain sections, but when I finally got around to seeing it as an older teenager I was kinda disappointed with myself for, after such high expectations, truly finding much of the middle section did drag. Now I've kinda just accepted that it does