Eric Henwood-Greer

Bound mostly holds up for me. And while I know it's polarizing, I find Sense8 amazing, flaws and all.

I had a TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE prof for an elective I thought would be a fun, enjoyable class, Queer Film. She showed Bound and all of the discussion about it is how it's a rare lesbian themed film by straight men that lesbians still (mostly) love. I got reamed out by her for asking, for the sake of conversation, if the

Meh, Sense8 has redeemed them for me, even if I know others don't agree (and yes, they benefit a lot from co-showrunner/creator J. Michael Straczynski not tomention Tom Tykwer.

Luke, his boyfriend, was too busy filming the Cruel Intentions pilot as SMG's son, silly.

You mean the fact that in the hookups we saw Eric never wanted to do more than connect in a make out way? (I guess I'm confused by your question)

I dunno, I'm not ready to call a damaged kid like Eric as not worth feeling sympathy for because he is "continuing to punish himself." (And hey, maybe he gets in the car, gets to do his fave make out thing and goes off on his merry way. Except knowing this show, prob not…)

Ridley did that because he wants people to question. He also showed Dan sneaking into Leslie's office—and she DID know about the medical records instantly.

We also saw Dan sneak into Leslie's office when she had briefly stepped out…

Yeah—and it really didn't help expanding the character focus so late in the season. Amazing show, but calling the finale sorta torturous (which is of course in a way fitting for this show) is right.

While I echo many of the thoughts in this review—it still leaves me mystified why it got an A- and two of the best episodes (with glowing reviews) got B- grades. Ah, AVclub, never change.

Right? Though you can't see penis on Grindr (I mean it can lead to you seeing penis, very easily, but…)

I haven't read the books—so keep that in the mind.

To be fair, wasn't this a Lifetime show that went to A&E before? Not that A&E isn't filled with crap at the moment (and I know they have some weird connection to Lifetime—ie the simulcasts on both, and History, of War and Peace)

Also, it's not a Shondaland show. Showrunner/creator Jenna Bans comes from the Shondaland world, so I get the connection, but…

Banana Yoshimoto! There's a blast from the past—I was a rabid fan in high school. Yeah—I really hope we get more (didn't Lena mention actually filming some scenes in Japan? )

Trust me as someone who is at a university—Zeitgeist is still very much a word.

I seem to be one of the few who is buying the small changes in King's character. But I do agree about Sebastian (my apologies for using actor/character names interminably)—it seems very late in the series to add on the, completely valid comment on what exactly Anonymous type groups hope to gain from exposing

That's completely how I feel, actually. Very well said—thanks for that.

These grades—but then I remember that what I thought was maybe the best episode also got a B- ,,,

Ah, I apologize. I don't think I even read the headline—yeah, that's slightly obnoxious.