Eric Henwood-Greer

I don't mean to sound like a bitch, but… Why would you read a review if you haven't seen the episode and don't want spoilers?

I recognized (even if I hadn't seen) all the old viral videos Illana mentioned earlier—but please tell me one of a horse fucking a man wasn't an actual viral thing?

Rebecca's Trent from My Crazy Ex-GF works at Abbi's gym! Who'd have thunk? (I know the actor was in one of their web episodes as well, but… :P

(I am kinda amazed that anyone would think the oh-so-1980s pop music of Les Miz is from the 1930s. Regardless—they still would have to pay for the music use, and even if it was from the 1930s they would as well—1930s shows are not in the public domain).

I believe with parodies you don't have to get permission (Weird Al apparently always does, however) but you DO have to pay, obviously, for the music. I'm sure it's easier just to write your own pastiche—well cheaper, anyway. Plus, this show has obviously based a lot of their songs on other songs but not used the

The whole race thing sorta confuses me here. So if Rebeks does NOT end up with Josh it will negate the fact that they cast an Asian leading man in a completely un stereotypical way and have portrayed him as the object of desire for the rest of the season?

I'm a little confused as to what being feminists has to do with casting an Asian male lead?

That could be dangerous. *Pictures plenty of women and gay guys getting too drunk and cry-singing their way through You Stupid Bitch at karaoke*

Interesting. But why would they bother re-writing the ending? Ideally they hoped for a second season and that this ending would lead to developments in season 2 anyway, so no need to change what happened. I'm glad they didn't decide to prolong the kiss another five episodes just because of the episode order…

Not sure you have to live in LA to figure that out…

*Exactly* to every point. (And add to that, as was briefly pointed out, the studio gave him the limo from the airport which, depending on the size of the studio and the role, is not remotely unheard of). I mean I could barely stand the character much of last year, and I'm not sure if that's really changed much, but

I guess I see that a bit, but it also reads a bit like someone who isn't used to having a girlfriend in ages not quite knowing when to react (yeah running off to the "bathroom" is rude but honestly he didn't exactly rub it in their faces and it's not exactly the kind of behaviour the other characters on this show—and

I thought he looked like a much more low rent version of her dad—which may have been part of why he was so traumatized by the experience (well aside from the obvious reasons)—visions of that being what his life will be like from now on.

OK, yes, I always come on here and grump about this show, but… This time, I actually think all the comments and this critic are being kinda too hard on Alex. In these two episodes—aside from being too busy (or not) to pick up the phone like he used to when he *had no job*, is he really being douchey? They haven't

As a gay guy I hope Peet is thankful for having Benioff—seriously, TV writers aren't meant to look that good.

He'll remain eternally a crush of mine thanks to A Room With a View and especially Maurice (Scudder!)

Well he'll appear to float—but it won't make up for acting/dialogue.

I was half joking, but you're right. It doesn't seem too hard to believe the parking lot of a rec center might have security cams though…

I thought Isis when she rebuilt Osiris gave him a *gold* pecker? Either way it's a good point—a film more or less true to the original mythology would be even more insane—and a lot more fun.