Eric Henwood-Greer

Actually, I had heard that that song was a fave in Japan already (this from a good friend who I met in high school as an exchange student a few years after Whisper of the Heart aired—she watched the fansub with me).

It seems almost shameful for me to say that the song, The Rose (albeit sung in Japanese) brings me to tears in this movie…

Takahata's 70s tv shows, like Anne of Green Gables, while I understand wouldn't appeal to everyone (like with Horus, Prince of the Sun, Miyazaki worked with him on them) are still pretty great. One thing that makes them great is his attention to everyday details (admittedly I grew up with the French dub of Anne as a

You say that like it's a bad thing?

(Maybe it was just me—I could do without his bizarre hairdo, but liked the armpit hair :P )

You mean former brilliant All My Children star, Melissa Leo!

I've enjoyed this season so far, more or less, but I do understand the feeling. For me season 2 had more highs than season 1—but wasn't as consistent.

Probably a good move. The house I live in right now has free HD Cable, so I watch shows on it when I can—although I downloaded last night's episode because I was so annoyed by the storm warning messages filling up half the screen on last night's episode (tangent: Why is it that networks feel they have to show those

What I think is interesting with Terri and her husband is that their attitudes toward everything seem to have, at least subtly, switched. Even after he told that cop that she shouldn't assume he's the more reasonable one—he did come off that way, until he talked to his cop friend about finding info on Anne, slightly,

Considering his living arrangements and Anne's situation I doubt he's "for hire". I guess I would expect there is more to his backstory about cyber bullying than just worrying that his daughters could in the future be attacked, though.

At the least it does feel like it could handle more than 10 episodes (whereas last year had 11)

I assume she's still green to the industry, her credits are basically in roles that would amount to being an extra—the other younger cast, while not well known, have all done some significant screen work—so yeah it always feels mean picking on actors like her. Still…. :P (In fact her previous screen work seems to

Optimally for me would have been a 30 minute special before or after the episode with the interviews. Maybe people simply wouldn't watch that—and certainly ABC wouldn't want to rush to do something like that. I feel like webisodes for a show like this would get very little attention—at the same time, ideally, they

How are the ratings compared to other network dramas? Enough to make ABC keep it because of the prestige factor? I am bad at judging that but, while not massive, they at least seem to be pretty consistent week to week. ABC promoted the Hell out of this season before it started (which is why, I am ashamed to admit,

Not the episode I woulda chosen for the first A, but, I was pleased by that too.

Ha, fair enough! Dius sounds like a telenovela name ;)

Frankly, as much as I enjoy the show, I think she should be outed to at least most of the main characters by the end of this year. They still have enough to build with without that concept—and if they must, they could make some excuse like her company decides they need her to keep up with the russe to outside people.

Actually his record is worse than that. He created 90210, Melrose Place (which did have a black actress its first season before it found its campy tone and she was let go…), Central Park West, Sex and the City, the underrated Grosse Pointe, Miss Match… He was exec producer but not cfreator or show runner on Cashmere

Oh c'mon—they recently released a Josh calendar (yes the actor as the character)—he's not going anywhere…

I dunno, I thought the black woman who talked about how her school saw her coming out as the real problem and how it led to a suicide attempt was pretty powerful, and relevant.