Eric Henwood-Greer

Hey Marceline ;)

If this were only the UK they could easily pull up security cam footage too…

Right—very true.


Of course it's impossible to not bring out own experiences to this—and I completely get what you're saying. I just think Eric has been disappointed so many times repeatedly when he has tried to open up or be himself (I suppose you could even say in his mind he's disappointed the way Taylor reacted) that…

Exactly. Two days after a school shooting the school isn't gonna start, especially publicly, getting into possible reasons why their student was killed.

Her career is in a more precarious position than his, though, so…

Disney only has the N America rights (and then it is complicated—they basically got the rights to all of the Ghibli films up to the point when they made the deal in the late 90s. I believe that has expired now which is why they have only chosen to release, recently, the Miyazaki films. But, while they license the

(Hint—you could tell it was a dubtitle if one of the younger characters asked for cocoa instead of coffee :P Because heaven forbid American kids think a teenaged character might drink coffee…)

Right! I forgot, despite being a big anime fan (maybe even a bigger one) back as a teen in the early 90s fansub era when subtitled official releases were just starting that "dubtitling" actually was a pretty obnoxious problem with a lot of releases.

I wouldn't say Diana has always been "entirely fair" but I do like the way their relationship is evolving.

Yeah, Liza could prove that Sheryl tried to blackmail her, etc, Of course Sheryl could just drop a blind item (if anyone would really even care) but then it would not benefit her. I was really glad they didn't have the shrink character balk at Liza's confession.

While I still am frustrated with the overall repetition this season, I did think it was a pretty great episode, and we seem to be making some process.

Didn't one of them get married to some old rich guy and at the wedding they had bowls everywhere of cigarettes? Or did I dream that…

In Ent Weekly they gave the charming anecdote that, just like in the old days, before filming begins he walks around farting or, as he calls it, "dusting the crops". Adorable.

And don't get me started when they add off-screen dialogue… Disney's first attempts at Ghibli dubs—at least Kiki and Laputa (oops, I mean Castle in the Sky) had Phil Hartman as Gigi constantly adlibbing when the cat was off screen and, I believe, Chloris Leechman and maybe some of the other Sky Pirates doing the

It seems odd (and I feel weird saying this) that they didn't have a guy in the interviews who was a survivor of rape—just because of the whole "men can't be raped" thing brought up early on in the show.

Agreed, though that's maybe part of the problem with using it. But yeah.

That's how I see it too. We've seen him trying from basically that point on—although not remotely trying well or enough.

Wha? Maybe I need to watch again but I got no reference to his dad saying they did some past "safer" thing before Eric went on hook up sites. Huh?