Eric Henwood-Greer

How is that really "false" though when you say that that's exactly the kinda crap most schools would say?

They were mostly consistent at any rate. I am still not quite 100% with using the clips, but I appreciated that as well—I assumed they would all be lumped at the start or the end (which, I suppose some would have preferred)

I think, as I said above, the producers wanted to show just the lasting trauma of any school shooting—but I agree that, intentions aside, it was unfortunate to focus on such a triggering, vastly different school shooting.

There's no way Eric is in any place right now to suddenly break down to his dad. But yeah, I appreciated them showing him confronting Kevin which was a great scene.

Not the Oxy though, which is really what messed him up. But sure, apologies Bro ;)

She definitely is the weak link—the only actor on the show I kinda cringe when I hear deliver a line.

Yeah. To be honest I'm of two minds about the interviews—although I will say they incorporated them into the show better than I expected they would. (This is kinda different but I remember back on the soap opera All My Children which, among all the evil twins, etc, always had a reputation from the start for tackling

I'm gonna give the show the benefit and say they simply wanted to show the trauma that any school shooting can cause—the seriously lasting trauma, though a part of me had that same thought. I *was* glad that they added in the bullied and queer voices, though—from last week's preview I had assumed it would ALL be

It had to be, since Murphy said in one interview that he was the only actor for the project he had to talk into doing the show.

That seems fair. I saw exactly half an episode (for some reason I couldn't sleep and came across it on Disney at 1am or something) and it seemed not particularly different from the current crop of Disney sitcoms except perhaps a bit genuinely sweeter (I saw after watching ten episodes). The only older cast member I

I'm surprised Girl Meets World hasn't been mentioned yet. I DID grow up with Full House (but have no plans on watching this—even as a kid I kinda knew it was bad), but Boy Meets World was on TGIF past my prime. Still, I was shocked to see online how many people were excited for the spin-off (even though it sounds

Ha. Remember the 1980s Brady Bunch TV movie (I was never much of a fan and can't keep track of the spin off attempts—I think it was after Brady Brides…) I have no idea why they thought the fans the show did have would want to see the Bradys tackling depressing material like alcoholism. and Bobby Brady becoming a

I missed the PBS one, but do either give a decent amount of time to his theatre work? At one point he said it was his true love. Of course it's harder to find clips, etc, but I remember a number of years back being so disappointed with an Elia Kazan documentary (one of several, I'm sure) that focused even on some

It definitely is a serial, which Broad City (despite some very loosely developed plot points from episode to episode) definitely is not.

I had completely forgotten the ending of last season so was happy to see him as a regular. He does seem doomed to that kinda role, but he does it well (see also his thankless role in Carol).

The preview looks like they skip over that. But yeah—after being on the cusp repeatedly last year of giving up on the show, I admit, I liked this episode.

They did imply more guests were showing up (Shosh mentioned a guy with a fancy car and I think a guy with an eye patch as a throw away line when looking out the window). It still struck me as kinda weird that NO ONE else came to help with the preparations, but then the way these characters are, maybe that makes sense

The time jump, I assume. She was stranded by him but was she dumped? Anyway, obviously they got over it… Since last year ended with a flash forward of Hannah and Fran walking in the Winter, and it's no longer Winter I'd say a good 6 months passed at least.

I'm confused… Is Alex working on some low budget vampire show for kids or something? I mean I know it was always BMovie stuff but in what universe would his vampire bit fly even as a cheap SyFy tv movie?

good point