Eric Henwood-Greer

Have they upped White Josh's intelligence? Or did we just not see much about him before. Maybe I was distracted in his early appearances because he had no shirt, but I thought originally he came off as, well, less bright than Josh, but now he seems to have a relatively smart and thoughtful head on his shoulders.

I barely even liked Darryl a few episodes ago (I mean he was OK in very small doses) but they've managed to expand his character and make this work ridiculously well.

Actually that was one thing that kinda confused me. I realize that the restaurant tab was so expensive because, I guess they weren't just ordering the free appies and drinks that her coupon promised (OK obviously it was expensive because she didn't have a real coupon but…) But it seemed weird that nothing came of

Everything I've read has said only the pilot was fully shot for Showtime.

Odd, most episodes have… two songs (and maybe a shorter third one, to be fair)

Well said.

I did wonder why his "aunt" didn't hear him going through all of her drawers. Is liking strong female and angry figures hetero erotic?

I think that's a red herring—one the show did obviously want to make (similar to Nate having been a pedophile).

This write up completely misses the point of the film (or the novel it was based on). That's fine—not every movie is for everyone, but it seems to fault the movie for not being something that it never was in the first place.

I think you should. If a TV show is doing *nothing* for you, why continue to watch? Why are you even thinking about this twice or bothering to post about it? :P That sounds bitchy—but I just don't understand the thought process. 6 episodes is more than enough to decide if a show is worth your time or not.

Well said—and I really can't understand that thought process, though a few have said it here. Even if one objects to the way the plot is going—how is it *slowing down*?

Ha I keep saying I'll watch it the following day instead of right before bed—because my mind usually is going so much afterwards that I can't fall asleep and I Thursday's are the one day I have to get up really early. And yet…

I got the sense that he somehow stabbed/cut him with glass (the car mirror or something? I have no idea) but it wasn't his weapon.

You are right about the mention of the counselor—I had forgotten that.

Exactly. I am still kinda confused by this whole way of thinking. Wouldn't this be show be criticized if they were punishing the homophobes simply to teach a lesson to the viewer? For all the ways the show is realistic, I think it's pretty unabashed about focusing on the negative ways that these issues (for lack of

That's a very good point.

Quite a lot of Canadian children's TV content seems to have played on early 1980s US cable…

Oh absolutely. But how many such murders have their been involving just Craigslist compared to the number of hook ups via Craigslist that didn't end in violence? I get why AC did it this way and I'm not complaining about it, just pointing out that Eric had some extremely bad luck

LOL I never saw his big war passion project… But if it makes him feel better, for some unknown reason, my Dad *loves* Men With Brooms.

Perhaps. Maybe he would have cooled down anyway—or maybe if he actually stood aiming a gun at a pleading potential victim he would have snapped out of it. (Although I doubt Leslie's way of trying to talk someone down would have helped…) There's a big difference between aiming a gun at someone and shooting them and