Eric Harris Robinson

I disagree.

"I'm not sexist for hating Lena Dunham!" *Proceeds to say something incredibly sexist*

Lena Dunham has A VERY NICE PERSONALITY! Whoa, shots fired!

I can't wait to see the measured and definitely NOT incendiary manner in which this comments section will discuss Lena Dunham. The amount of civility and thoughtfulness will just shock all the other comment sections of all the other major culture websites! LET'S DO THIS PEOPLE!

Toy Story 4: Woody's Morning Wood

CBS is sure to prophet from this series!

Next they'll be complaining for interesting characters, a story with actual stakes, and tonal consistency! THOSE WHINY BASTARDS!

I honestly thought you were quoting Ayn Rand for a second there…

"Yeah, well my dad works at Nintendo!!!"

Boy was this episode tedious. Every minute was just slow, boring, and completely devoid of any tension. I think we've reached the point where it's safe to say that The Walking Dead will always have these problems: bad dialogue, stupid characters, annoying children, and tensionless scenes of characters fighting zombies.

I honestly wouldn't mind that. I would read them!

So last season has 3 Fs… Hopefully this season will beat that record!

So when will we hit the F and how many times this season?

Sounds like he's going to… RAKE in the box-office! AMIRITE!

I'm disappointed that Greg Kinnear isn't just playing a rake.

*Raises fist angrily* CURSE YOUR CIVILITY!

I don't get this idea that a differing opinion suddenly has to be some person trying to get attention. I get that those people exist, but when the article is well-written, states it's points clearly, and is able to make points that are pretty legitimate, why is this suddenly an issue of the validity of the article?

Exactly! While I think Cumberbatch is a great actor, I prefer the CBS Sherlock because there is an actual character arc!

YES! Finally! Someone agrees with me! Look, I like Sherlock by all means. But the 3 episode seasons severely limit what the show can do. Elementary's higher episode count leads to more time spent on character development. We get to see these characters do more "stuff," thus allowing them to be more defined by their

Yeah… that scene was pretty bizarre…