Eric Harris Robinson

Finally. I history film that has the balls to ask one simple question: How did white people view the Civil Rights movement? I'm so glad to see such an underrepresented racial group finally get their voice heard. It's clearly a golden age of progressive cinema.

Finally, internet! Fucking finally!

You know what? That's actually not so bad internet! I'm trying to be snarky and cynical right now, but I can't. Somebody spent time and effort putting this together, and you know what? I have a bit of a goofy dumb smile just looking at it. So not bad internet! Not bad!

Love this show. It's messy, but it's putting emotions and character ahead of plot logic, which makes it a much more fulfilling experience for me personally. Fuck shows like "The Event" and "Flashforward," two shows that put plot twists and narrative movement over the emotional states of their characters.

Then Frank Stallone will pull off his mask, revealing…

I hate you internet. I hate you so much.

Remember when Admiral Kirk teamed up with the storm troopers to battle the Hal 9000. I loved Guardians of the Galaxy!

"Live long and prosper." -Captain Adama in a galaxy far, far away.

Tuvok is awesome! He really was the best Wookie in the Battlestar Galactica. Damn I wish Firefly had not been cancelled.

Great Job, Internet! ideas:

Holy shit! This show was renewed? Why? Why the hell was this renewed! D:

I mean wouldn't it be really edgy if they made one an antihero? A WHITE MALE ANTIHERO! WHO KNEW WE WOULD BE MAKING THOSE CHARACTERS IN 2015?

ohmygod a cop show with two white male cops solving crimes i have never seen this before ohmygod its so edgy and unique and cool and great and ohmygod they are doing that every single week ohmygod i'm so on the edge of my seat right now ohymygod theres never been anything like this before ohmygod…

I hate the internet.

Shit… Well I'm sure they're going to add more action and story and not have characters just endlessly talking about stupid-

*gets Oscar, stares at it"
*smashes it into the ground and walks off*

I got a Rubicon notification for THIS?


Can't wait for the Scooby Doo reboot of Criminal Minds: Mriminal Rimes