I have always been a die hard skylander fanatic. 33 years old With over 200 figures. I’m not ashamed.
I have always been a die hard skylander fanatic. 33 years old With over 200 figures. I’m not ashamed.
My Skylanders get plenty if use AND look great on a shelf, thank you. No “toys to life” on your list except playmation. Mike, of all people!
I went to my home town then started exploring. I found the set pretty quickly I thought. I've logged about 44 hours so far. So I'm not 100% sure. I've got the memory of a goldfish sometimes.
I'm not home now, but I came across a lake with the tail of a plane sticking out. Complete power armor underwater!! It was my first set... So sentimental.
Is there a trick to getting this to work on Xbox one? Maybe it’s a ps4 glitch. My good ol’ pup can't find anything and it's upsetting him.
Wow! Thanks Luke! Not only was this a great watch, but the guy Jacob Norwood is an old friend of mine! I grew up with his siblings! Crazy stuff. Small world. Thanks again, I really should catch up with lost friends more often...
Maybe it’s been a while since you got on. Last time I logged in (last week) I had 5 lunch boxes.
I don't know what this is from. Please. Mike. Help me out. I'm sure I'll feel stupid once you remind me...
Hey there. Long time viewer, occasional emailer, first time commenter.