
Maybe one of you Navy Engineers could help me on this. It’s a Trimaran, so not a displacement hull, right? So it’s going to be much faster than the 1.34 X the square root of the waterline limit for displacement hull. What do you think top speed might be?

Must have been 1979 when my parents went to Vegas for a week and I had “The Party” ...It got out of hand, to say the least. Everybody, and more, showed up. One guy brought this Kawy 2 stroke. Over the course of the evening many guys took turns running the bike around Meyerhill Circle, the circular road around the

Now playing

Shit, I’m so late to the game here that nobody’s gonna see this, but I can’t believe no one mentioned it:

Just let me know

DITTO! That Roadrunners site looks awesome.

I think you guys are all really smart, and I always read the comments. But none of you has called out Rumsfeldt for the switcheroo and dodge of his comments which completely failed to mention 9/11 and the motive that that occurrence actually played in the decision to invade Iraq. If not for 9/11, the search for Bin

First MST 3k, now this. It’s not even April yet!