You’re not an intelligent person.
You’re not an intelligent person.
I’ll give you a hint who’s here legally: it’s around 2% of the population, and I’m guessing it ain’t you.
You are a stupid asshole.
Dude, this woman is handicapped. What in the actual fuck are you talking about?
I don't support any of the candidates, but you sound like a complete fucking moron.
Why is everyone so hung up on this free college thing? College should be free, in a perfect world. I dont think it ever will be, though, even if Bernie was president for 8 years.
“history of liberal violence”
“This just in, from the ‘Shit That Never Actually Happened’ desk”
Blanket statements like “I hate Bernie supporters” doesn’t do a whole lot to further your cause. I’m a supporter, what is it that makes you hate me?
Your case is bullshit, and your reply is not witty at all. I’m so sorry. Please don’t talk about things you don’t understand. Thank you!
You are a horrible person.
I just wrote an enormous check for my taxes this year. I’d prefer that 60% of it didn’t go to the military or subsidies for giant corporations. I’d prefer it went toward education and infrastructure. That makes me a bad person?
Among this countries ever growing lower class you will find an awful lot of the former and not very much of the latter. Guess which group gets more airtime on Fox News though....
Your comment is a 5-gallon pail of bullshit.
I’m a Sanders supporter, I would have helped him.
So how about those examples you are referencing?
But not the people who live in it, apparently.
Yeah man, we love to hate. I hate those cheap-labor Mexicans that do the jobs we don’t fucking want anyway, I hate that woman just pop out babies all day for handout and fucking child support, I hate the Mulisms for blowing everything up, I hate black people cause they are all super predators and drug dealers.