I’d get that ass out, if just a little. Might have to smoke the tires down first by parking her up against a wall and flooring it, but I’d get that ass out.... and into the wall most likely
I’d get that ass out, if just a little. Might have to smoke the tires down first by parking her up against a wall and flooring it, but I’d get that ass out.... and into the wall most likely
oh yeah, baby. I needed that.
Douchebag Stability Control?
Can we agree that anything that doesn’t have legs or wheels and still moves is not to be trusted.
I thought this was an Onion spoof, until...
No it is a serious SNAKE. Say it with me now!
Do you even drift, bro?
COTD!!!! Damn it Front Office give it to someone who right here who doesn’t pander to the masses and references, real, deep, automotive community memes
Of all the cars a proper and true Jalop wanted to see get sideways in the Carousel ... the white estate fucked it up and almost went into the wall.
Because it is dirt.
I’ve studied the story of the car.
I moved from Oklahoma to Rhode Island in December. You are so much more fucked than you realize.
You know, as long as they find a way to get within 80-90% of the power to weight, I ain’t even angry. Hell, I fucking daily drive it. The world needs more tunes Utes
Raph!!!! Where is my hat tip?!!?!? It is all I have in life.....
This is either a spectacular photoshop.... or you guys have to be in cahoots to stumble upon this.
Wing is totally necessary. There is no weight in the back end. What you need is down... ha.... Downforce.... ahahahhaha.... you know... got to keep... haha... the tires...... hehehe.... grounded to the.... ha..... ground..... HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Can someone say ‘Beggin’ for an SBC swap’.