Kaufmania: Mark Webber's Stunt Double

I just posted a bunch of stuff.

Great article David. I hope this raises the awareness of a growing problem in not just the Air Force, but also the Naval and Marine industries, pipelines and nuclear power plants. BTW, in case you don’t know, I’m the Ph.D. mentioned above. Let me share some pictures with you guys so you can get an idea of what

well, biofuels are also sourced in the middle of the country where Putin would have a hard time getting a Russian tank.



I’ll send you my thesis defense presentation. Some of it has been Redacted by the US Navy though. I can’t tell you why, obviously.

Unfortunately no. I am no longer at OU, starting my own labs now In a vastly different field and no one was interested in testing it for various reasons (time, money, potential yield of results).

Awesome. I haven’t forgotten to get back to you in detail about this.

Won Le Mans.

Thumbs Up!!!

“I’ve used up another of my nine lives, but why would you have nine unless you plan to use them?… We live, learn and race on.”

No brakes either! Jezz!!!


pink eye is highly contagious

Alex, Great Article!!!

Not that I didn’t expect this but fuck...

YES!!!!!!!!!!! COTD

It will have a hidden diesel engine.

NASCAR Sucks but Parker is cool. I was happy to see him heading up the Motorsport Tribe.

Now playing

“It’s faster than walking, they’ll say—but so is running, scooting on a scooter, or traveling by boat.”