Arthur Elk has more than a toupee. That bad boy is a fourpee.
Arthur Elk has more than a toupee. That bad boy is a fourpee.
In NYC in the 2016 primaries this could be explained as a way to suppress votes in Sanders-heavy districts. There is no explanation for this today. I can only imagine what’s going on in Republican held areas.
More likely to squeal like Ned Beatty in “Deliverance”
“There’s less than 24 hours until the midterm elections, folks. And I bet things are only gonna get worse before then.”
The Willie Horton ad ran in 1988. They couldn’t do a race baiting ad in 1992. Bill Clinton went after Sista Souljah to cut off that angle.
He’s not as relevant as his cousin who posts fake memes in an effort to promote the President, Bol Bot.
I still don’t understand the Nation of Islam reference. Last I checked the Nation of Islam hadn’t shot up a synagogue (or a school, or an Arby’s or a Starbucks...)
Bob McNair respectfully disagrees with you
“They’re upset he behaved to a level that required him to be escorted out of at a party that is meant to bring the team together and has been going on for a several years now.”
It’s still not clear what caused the elevator to malfunction, but Roman authorities are investigating.
Why your league sucks: The NFL.
Not mentioned: Zack Rinaldo on the ice, and not committing a suspendable offense.
They weren’t laughing at him, they were laughing NEAR him.
This should get more love than it currently does.
The Clintons, whether you like em or hate em, have been a huge part of American politics for a long time now.
The Garland surrender will be the eventual legacy of the Obama administration.
“Meh”--Andrew Golota.
That last word could mean many things in this instance.
That has always been there. Think of the Dan Rather slander, the defense of Abu Ghraib, Alberto Gonzalez, Birth Certificates, Benghazi, Coming for your guns... Anyone who thinks that this hasn’t been around since the mid-90's has forgotten history.
The Bretts v. Chads civil war will be the bloodiest one yet. Much Rose will be spilled.