
Or you could just go and get a Cayman GTS and have an absolute blast.

(SPOILER ALERT!!!) Yes, there is still a scrap of protomolecule in the Roci and it is an important arc later in the story. This was also highlighted by Proto-Miller saying at the end “That’s what I’d like to know......I need a ride”. The scrap enables Proto-Miller to be present on the Roci.

Te version they aired on SyFy had the screwed up sequence as well as censored, but the version aired on Space was in correct sequence with with no censorship. 

Yes there still is a piece of protomolecule in the Roci, but it is integral later in the show and highlighted by Miller saying “I might need a lift”.

If the show lasts long enough, you’ll see how his back story ties in with his development arc for the last 3 seasons.
