

For the almost same price as a base 1SS, you can get:

An attempt to capitalize on oblique provenance that adds no value?

The second generation Dodge Durango. They rusted like crazy, had engine problems, transmission problems, fuel system problems, build quality problems and on top of that rattled like crazy and would fall apart somewhere between 40,000 and 100,000 miles.

Let’s be honest, I’m only here for this beautiful graphic.

Yeah someone who insists that they cannot pay their employees living wage or provide health insurance for the very people who make their fortune gets ZERO sympathy when bad things happen to them. Johnny boy went out of his way to tell the American public he valued his profits over the people working for him...

I completely disagree. A billionaire lost a car, it sucks. He campaigned to deny millions of people health care and threatened to lay off thousands of his employees if universal health care became law. Not having health care or losing a job because someone needs to make a point probably sucks more than losing a car.

I mean, no. Stephen Hawking is brilliant and great. Papa John is a monumental piece of shit.

Papa John is a giant douche, so I don’t feel sorry for him.

I’ll take the FD, if you are offering

I thought the Allstate “Mayhem” guy was pretty clever and well done.

Of course, when the same actor played a bad guy in “John Wick,” the damned commercials were all I could think of when he was on screen. The whole movie I kept thinking, “Of course (the main bad guy’s) plan is going to fail! You’ve got freakin’ Mayhem

Jokes aside, it’s pretty awesome actually.

Big ass crackpipe. Ugly, slow, handles like garbage, bad gas mileage, smells like smoke, velour. Dammit, why would anyone?! Get an Eldorado instead.

I had the displeasure of driving both as rentals. The HHR managed to handle even worse than the PT Cruiser (tires would squeal ~5 mph earlier in the same highway access ramp), the design was similarly stupid but with a lot less glass and blinding A-pillars, and it remains the only car ever where I cut my hand on

Definitely a shitty car that should be left to stink and rot.

The only cars I can agree with here are the Lexus and the Maserati. Everything else is just disposable bullshit.

Fortunately they fixed that part on the later models. Also, I love this color:


Or even a high form.

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That people like this are “enthusiasts”