In a parallel universe, ALL the modes of transport are this pant-soilingly mad.
No, it never got smoother than that. The first time I saw one in action was actually frightening. Car exits corner, there is an explosion, car is elsewhere.
I agree wholeheartedly with your conclusion, with one proviso.
I feel like... there’s criticism of a brand, and then this. This is just pure hate filled writing. There’s probably no reason to buy a CTS-V wagon either, using that logic.
Exactly. A replica Cobra is a totally different animal. After all, a Cobra is sheet metal and a drivetrain designed in a bygone era, so a replica can come very close (if not easily surpass with modern parts) the experience of the authentic car.
There are some replicas I'm fine with. Cobras, D Type Jaguars, Porsche 550s. This is not one of those.
CP because:
You stole an easily-recognizable Porsche Speedster?
Clearly the answer is Miata and $50,000 worth of upgrades.
Craig > Connery > Dalton > Lazenby > Moore > Brosnan.