
This pic looks like it could be the cover of a Fu Manchu album.

Um.. me.

“I see you’ve bought the industrial-size lighter fluid.. Smart.”

Nah, they killed the Evo. They might not be completely dead, but they’re dead to me.


Now playing

Chevrolet using idiots to try and compare their cars to performance-luxury brands. This commercial is even worse than that awful Volt campaign they had a few years back, and I even put my browser on private so I wouldn’t have to delete it from my search history.

Dank meme bro.

Are those.. PT Cruiser headlights?

[Revving still continues to intensify]

I want the boys back on the air.

*Looks longingly out the window*

My buddy had this same exact car throughout high school, it was a ‘95 in this same blue with an automatic trans. Most of the interior plastic was falling off, or held together with duct tape, and we cooked the brakes at least twice.

I wouldn't say the 92x sucked.. I would say that they were overpriced WRXs that are now great value on the secondhand market.

The main problem isnt the quality of the cars themselves, but rather the quality of the brand here in the states. I’m not daft, I know that Kei cars are catered for a very specific market, but as a fan of Honda I’m often frustrated by their business tactics.

It really makes you wonder what the hell is going on at HQ. Aside from Subaru, every other Japanese car manufacturer is currently having a bit of an identity crisis in the states. But at the same time, Nissan, Honda, and Toyota are showing small glimmers of hope through the rubble of their numerous cancelled projects

I’m calling bullshit on this, primarily because the “toffee and caramel” interior has now magically turned to white and the radio is older. That said, EVEN IF it is the original car, why would they redo the only thing that differentiated this E36 over any other one?

Anyone else on edge whenever a MK1 Escort or Alpine was shown? All I kept thinking was “Don’t crash. Don’t crash. Don’t crash. Don’t crash. That’s a pretty car. Don’t crash.”

Here’s the thing though, He’s NOT a “car guy”, these supercars are nothing more than trophies that are used to show how much money he actually has. Why did he buy them? Because he can. Will he drive them? Probably not, and he’ll just end up selling them a few years on. You can learn a lot about someone by looking at

Hopefully we’ll be able to see out of this one..

I’m sorry Andrew, but you’re just wrong. My taste buds aren’t fried, the Escalade is a colossal waste of money and you’re better off buying a Tahoe or a Yukon. In fact, the Yukon Denali looks nicer and is cheaper by a large margin, so it makes people who buy the Escalade look even more dense than people already