Eric Cheung

Should Hannibal Buress receive a similar chastising for joking about Cosby’s monstrous acts? Or does the fact that his jokes led to the grand truth coming out rebuke that? Like the rumors about Spacey’s behaviors, I and I imagine thousands of others knew about what Cosby had done way before. The reports had been out

Why the hell are people “liking” that? What does a “like” on a statement like that even mean? He doesn’t admit or deny the allegations and the only “apology” he offers is couched in one passive weasel of a sentence that stresses he supposedly remembers nothing. If you’re congratulating him for coming out as a gay man,

If this isn’t the one subject whereby we (everyone) can set aside all politics/pettiness, WOE UNTO US.

I mean, Clinton himself is already an accused rapist...

Yeah, and a lot of people seem to have taken exception to her name being up there, arguing that the pilot proved she wasn’t a good captain. Which irks me to no end, but it’d be great to see some of her previous adventures.

I would vote for this if only to see more Michelle Yeoh. Georgiou was fantastic in what we got of her - and given that she was listed alongside Christopher Pike and Jonathan Archer as one of the most accomplished Starfleet Captains ever, I would love to see more.

But they never did “unhack” the system. They used non-critical systems that Mudd never locked down in the first place.

1. Go to the link and read Rapp’s story. 2. Just....what?

Gonna go out slowly and carefully on a limb and say, respectfully, that maybe some of the anger here just got a little misdirected.

“Tilly is apparently really good at parties. I can’t decide if this is a smart subversion of expectations, or sloppy character work done to make Burnham seem more alone.”

Yeah. The real novelty was to have a time loop episode that focused more on character development than plot development when resolving the problem.

This was clever, romantic, and fun. Very good pacing.

I’ve heard rumors about Spacey’s predatory behavior for years and have long wondered when it would get out in the open.