Eric Cheung

Likeability is a hell of a loaded term, that betrays a person’s subconscious prejudices. Often, likeability amounts to conforming to the norms of the dominant culture. And why the hell should an Inquisitor have to be likeable?

Anyone commenting with a review of the performance, character, or show, positive or negative, is completely missing the point, and pushes forward the dangerous idea that treating actors as human beings deserving of respect, free from bigotry is somehow conditional. It is not. There is absolutely no excuse for the kind

Except they would have had to figure out why the documentary crew stayed on even longer than they did.  Eventually, PBS and the sponsors would have wanted to see product released.  So, if the show continued, they probably would have had the in-universe doc crew release the documentary more or less as it was released

Don’t Look Up isn’t preaching to the choir. It’s about how politicians and the media are captured by billionaires like Isherwell, and will only save us from extinction accidentally, as a byproduct of their profit motive. The only way to ensure we avert extinction is to reject the Isherwells and Orleans of the

That’s like saying Dr. Strangelove wasn’t effective because it showed a nuclear war starting. The whole point is to demonstrate what not to do, so we avoid those mistakes. And more specifically, that what not to do is part of systematic abdications of responsibility by the rich and powerful. It’s a call to arms for

It’s literally about how there are plenty of people that can do something about averting extinction, it’s just that they’re propagandizing everyone else into not doing anything.  If anything, the movie’s also been criticized for saying that the people at the rally wouldn’t actually turn on the Don’t Look Up.  Those

I saw it a couple of weeks ago at Coolidge Corner.

The thesis of the movie comes about halfway through the film, when things look to be going alright, and then swiftly turn around, right in front of the eyes of the public. The point is that the rich and powerful don’t even need to hide their brazeness for so many of

Barabara Wawa

whoops.  double post.

Now playing

Man. The Facebook comments are a trash fire. It seems slightly better here. There was a video I saw yesterday that had lengthy and nuanced breakdown of the special by someone in the trans community. I’m not saying she should speak for everyone, but it’s at least better than letting someone that’s cishet like me do

Now playing

Man. The Facebook comments are a trash fire. It seems slightly better here. There was a video I saw yesterday that had lengthy and nuanced breakdown of the special by someone in the trans community. I’m not saying she should speak for everyone, but it’s at least better than letting someone that’s cishet like me do so.

A sequel to The World’s End would be cool, too, considering the upcoming gauntlet of climate disasters.

But do you wanna be a bootlegger?

Sounds more like Paul, to me.

And not only that, Dennis Christopher was a Vorta.  Though, they didn’t get to be in the same episode.

A couple of things that were wrong: Adira is not a Trill. She’s a human that’s hosting a Trill symbiont. They said that no human has been recorded to have successfully hosted a Trill. Riker was a temporary host, whose episode may have been kept secret or lost in the history of 800 years earlier.

No one is shocked. They’re rightfully angry that the movie cowardly let the trolls win.

Luke is doing a pretty typical Jedi thing, exiling himself off to a distant planet. If some stranger invades your Fortress of Solitude, how would you react? And guess what. Luke was always a whiny character, so this precise type of exile is completely in character. Hamill gave an amazing performance. And it was very

If they make a spinoff film or TV series, then that would go a little bit toward redeeming themselves.  But it’s only a rumor at this point.

There were three stories: