Eric Cheung

Wouldn't that be redundant?

If they ever start a series called "Narrative Days!" maybe they'll shoot "Harrison Renzi" homages to Jonathan Demme's narrative films.

You can if you zoom out in Google Maps or Google Earth.

I missed the beginning last night, so I came here partly to see if Globesman was "directed by the Fein Brothers."

Because of Captain Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters?

That general theme? Perhaps not.

Her opinion of his art may or may not have to do with his storming the house and acting like a psychopath that could kill the entire crew because they looked at him the wrong way.

I thought perhaps Lewis might become that, given how his reaction is not unlike Phil 2.0's.

I tip 20% in sit-down restaurants with waitstaff, no matter what, but mostly because it's easier to calculate.

I would prefer Clinton win. But since I don't live in a swing state, I may use my vote to help the third parties gain legitimacy and federal funding.

The preview of next week's episode.

I think Trump deserves every bit of attack he gets. He's a genuine monster. I'm not for attacking his supporters though, because I believe they've been deluded by him and can be converted.

That's why Sanders' slogan was "Not Me, Us," which was also a reversal of the "I'm With Her" slogan that always struck me as a bit creepily hero-worshippy. Shouldn't it at least have been "She's with Us?"

For president? Since I don't live in a swing state, all I know is that it won't be for Trump. I've toyed with the idea of donating or volunteering to Clinton in swing states while advancing the popular vote total for a third party by voting for one of them in my non-competitive state.

I agree with your commitment to social action outside the political process, I practice it too. But I do still think voting has an application, especially at the local level. The smaller and more obscure the election, the more your vote actually does count for something.

I hope you do vote. If you're not voting Clinton, vote third party or write in a name if you must, but please don't abstain from the process entirely. There are probably local races and ballot initiatives that are competitive where you are. If you aren't satisfied with the candidates on a national level, remember

That's the way the world works if we limit our activism to simply voting.

This is basically the thesis of Thomas Frank's new book Listen Liberal. If you start your point of negotiation from the center, then of course the other side will pull you in their direction. You don't negotiate starting at your worst-case-scenario, but from your best-case-scenario:

The choice Obama made from strategy, I can see Clinton making in earnest.

Lawrence Lessig is making it a priority. It was literally the entire reason he ran. I saw Lessig speak at Northeastern in the spring where he gave the below talk (though the actual video is from one given at Harvard Law School). I'm generally in favor of what he says there, though I follow his caveat that he