Eric Cheung

TOS didn't use paper cutouts. They did however use flashes of light to show ships as being "just barely in range" when models were deemed too expensive.

The only thing I don't really like is the "new villains" thing. In Trek, antagonists aren't supposed to be villains. The crews are supposed to be able to find common ground with the antagonists to find creative solutions to their problems. It's one thing for the movies to show villains, but it's corrupting beyond

Although he wasn't right to cite Rosa Parks, and the ethics of paying a stand-in is dubious at best, Sheldon's right about lines. When people save spots for others, it alters the perception for people outside the line.

I hear they're building new DeLoreans. Maybe a fan bought one and modded it to look like the Part II version.

When I saw Panic Room in the theatre, my first thought was that it reminded me of the titles for North by Northwest:

I rewatched it after watching High Rise too. Yeah, biology was the focus, but there was a socially satirical aspect to Shivers as well, considering it starts with a slide show of the fancy new building, and it ends in a literal orgy in the swimming pool.

If you want a version of this story that has a well-defined catalyst, check out David Cronenberg's "Shivers," which was originally called "Orgy of the Blood Parasites," although that movie didn't necessarily need an explanation either. Both movies are engaging enough not to need an explanation. It has a similar tone

Certainly possible, if they keep the characters from the film.

Generation X-ers said that they were the first generation raised by television and television marketing, as children of the 70s. But it was actually the Boomers in the 50s and 60s.

Plus he did a super funky segment on how astrology is silly:

The original is sometimes online. Check it out. The general consensus is that the new Cosmos is a little more elementary, so it's probably better to watch that one before the original. Some of the same territory is covered, but then, there's a lot of different stuff as well. The new Cosmos liked the animated

Considering how reverent he is in the TNG blu ray commentary tracks for the optimism, and even the casual workplace nature of the show, this might actually have a little bit of the spirit of Star Trek, even more than past dysfunctional crew on a spaceship shows. With this and Star Trek 2017, maybe we'll even see a

Wrong, the first instance was the Beastie Boys song "Sabotage." Here are the lyrics to the fake punk song in Star Trek IV, "I Hate You":

And then there's the time Hugh Downs did a piece on New Wave on 20/20 in 1979:

Well then he fixed a broken joke.

Sometimes both at the same time!

I'm fortunate enough not to live in a swing state. So, chances are, the polls will give me leverage to boost whatever the most viable third party is.

That seems unlikely. It wasn't a tag, it was the entire punchline.

Obama's fundraising method has made Sanders' candidacy possible. Fundraising methodology has quickly become one of the very first things I look at in a candidate. Dean, Obama, Warren, and Sanders were all steps in this direction, inspiring a generation of politicians to limit their large donor contributions as much

The 22nd Amendment wasn't ratified until Eisenhower was in office.