Eric Cheung

That joke is probably centuries older than 30 Rock. It's pretty public domain at this point.

I like that there's a nice platonic relationship. Not all chemistry between heterosexual characters of the opposite sex has to be sexual.

But they do help each other out a lot of the time. In past seasons, a regular feature of the show would be their scenes of advice at The Cheesecake Factory bar or in the laundry room.

They mention Arnett in the episode, but they figured he was too obscure for the audience, so they called him "The guy from the Lego Movie" just in case people wouldn't know. I guess they figured they'd have to do the same for Conroy, coupled with the fact that they probably figured the animated series would be too

I thought this was one of the better episodes of t season, actually. I don't fault it for being a typical episode because the sweetness was there. This show is good when it's clear the characters love each other, and they did that here.

My point was that he doesn't need a get-rich-quick scheme. Both of them already have high-paying jobs and an essentially free house. The only problem that might realistically crop up money-wise is that Howard is not disciplined with his money, (e.g. 3D printers).

I guess I just forgot, considering how much mentoring of Penny she did I figured she was at least talented at that aspect of the industry.

Especially when said photo depicts a character seeking shameful refuge in the outside cold.

Considering Howard inherited a house and works at Caltech, as a former astronaut, and Bernadette is a hotshot pharmaceutical rep, I don't think they need to worry too much about money…as long as Howard is honest about his purchases and doesn't buy any more 3D printers.

They were playing by Bill and Ted rules?

I suppose Judd Hirsch is the Secretary of State? Danny DeVito the Secretary of the Treasury? Tony Danza the Secretary of Defense?

Take that South Park production schedule!

Fifth season

There should be some monumental undertaking in the new show, if it's a Fuller joint.

Is this Steve Allen?

Each season will have episodes named after a different planet's cuisine.

Is this their Itchy and Scratchy ripoff?

Inspiring technology and philosophy that benefits the world is what Star Trek is for.

And I'm not really a fan of that practice either. The context of the year should take precedence. The Academy already acknowledges past performances that didn't win in the form of special Oscars and lifetime achievement awards.

I will not respond to the name-calling, nor will I ever engage in it. I can only give you my word, whatever that's worth to you, that I just want to see stories told, and heard, that don't see the light of day, not because executives or Academy members boil with hatred for non-whites, but because they are under the