Eric Boesch

Once that song has gone through your head for a while, assuming you're old enough to remember it, might I suggest "Elvira" as a followup?

I'm closing this browser window as soon as I can catch my breath. I'm out of my league here.

Thanks, I appreciate the feedback! Would you mind giving your opinion of the arson reference? Do you feel it made the comment "edgy"? Did it seem forced or out of character? Do you feel the comment made me much more likeable, more likeable, no change, less likeable, or much less likeable?

He used to be an office assistant where I worked. People kept telling me he'd get me a cup of coffee. Get it? I just made the world a better place with a brand new joke. That's a karma down payment on my next arson.

The "limits of this data" comment at about 15600 BCE in the XKCD comic addresses precisely the smoothing issue you bring up, so calling it sloppy science is sloppy criticism.

Take me out tonight
Where there's music and there's people
And they're young and alive
Driving in your car
I never never want to go home
Because I haven't got one

It is hoped that the animal taints on British currency will make it more attractive to Scottish collectors.

Hindus won't eat beef out of consideration of the cows being scared and armed. I never would have known that if I didn't skim this thread.

I never eat except to top off on cloudy days.

People used to tip cows at 15% of their weight, but now anything less than 25% is considered inadequate. It's just not worth going out on the field anymore.

(It's Paul Hogan pulling a dingo out of his trousers.)

I would have said it never really began, but Boulder was the twentieth date on the tour, so, uh, that joke isn't funny anymore, I guess?

It's not bad if they find one thing wrong. It's even less bad if they find two things that aren't actually wrong.

I haven't felt so alive in years.

Manzur was laid low by the vapours. He may have contracted them from Morrissey, who is chronically affected.

Here, let me explain with an allusion from the Western canon, namely the cinematic masterwork that is Diablo 3. Obi Wan on the Jedi council, like Tyrael among the archangels, or Prometheus among the titans if you really must compare with lesser works, may not be most powerful in either a pure or hierarchical sense,

Public consumption would get you put on a registry.

Just to clarify, anyone who wants to express support of this video here must first remove their upvote from the original thread to prevent double counting. If any duplication is discovered, all responses or upvotes from the offending party will be disqualified and deleted.

Besides, a proper minigolf failure would have barely missed the hole and then barely caught a slope, rolling down into a much worse position than you started from.

Thanks for the perspective. I'm not arguing with any of that or out to diminish the issue of people with chronic pain who may lack good solutions to the problem. But you probably know how twenty years ago or so, people gave what now look like bogus reasons why legitimate prescription of opioids isn't an addiction