Eric Boesch

And when there's just one child left, Brad just stands there saying, "I'm thinking, I'm thinking."

Anthropogenic CO2 has a considerably larger net impact than methane, just because there's so much more of it produced and, as you say, it goes away so slowly. Methane is important too, and cow farts matter, just not as much.

It's no Hyattsville.

You know those force lines you pull at with your mind when you're trying to do telekinesis? Where you can feel the inertial resistance and you realize you need to strengthen your mind a little more to make the thing move? Or like the yogic flyers, who keep working at it until they hop a bit and they know they're

God no. Fuckin' magnets.

Mutual wedgies then?

It's an alloy and a metal. Metals can contain several different elements.

Chewbacca caught the moon, like the dog who brought down the car in the Far Side comic.

Skip Empire day and go straight to Life Day.

The Loving case which legalized interracial marriage was decided in 1967. The Batman series ran from 1966-1968. One can only applaud the producers for their unwavering support for law and order. No hero could allow himself to engage in behaviors and thoughts that lead down the dark path of outlawry and fornication.

It appears to have been Batgirl who did that.

Have you tried sacking Pittsburgh and hauling its vibrancy and community back to Cleveland?

They've thrown him at least two of those. In the name of equality, it's only right that those who have none tear him to shreds.

I might guess that if the floor is a litle more uneven than the stool legs, you might still be able to rotate things to get it to work, but I don't know.

If his arguments were grounded in microscopic physical effects or major bumpiness at that level, then that's not my department. Also, it doesn't necessarily work if it's the stool instead of the floor that's uneven. If the floor is a perfect plane but the four feet are not coplanar, then no amount of rotating will fix

Yes. Edited.

Did you know that a square four-legged stool on any flat enough surface can be rotated so that all four feet sit flat on the ground? It was an old rec.puzzles problem, but the proof seems to get a bit boring and not very puzzle-like — one part cute trick to show all four legs will line up at some point, twenty parts

Change up a few words there and you have the beginnings of a fine piece of slash fiction.

Sure, he saved some lives. But more importantly, he validated the existence of thousands of people involved in the design, maintenance, and instructions for use of aircraft features that people ignored while mentally completing the sentence "In the event of a water landing" with "you will already be dead."

People complain about Tolkien's orcs being reductive bad guys, which they intentionally were. They're still more human than the Francoists in Pan's Labyrinth.