If we admit we suck you're supposed to be tolerant and encouraging. Those are the rules I made up for everyone else to follow.
If we admit we suck you're supposed to be tolerant and encouraging. Those are the rules I made up for everyone else to follow.
Lots of punks and rockers could pull off a schoolboy outfit. A while back a punker went to jail for doing just that.
Well, at least I don't have cancer.
Triavil, Elavil, and Mellaril are definitely the names of individual Silmarils. But I will forgive his mistake because it sets up the killer bonus punchline about doing a number. If that's not comedy gold, then I don't know what comedy is!
Things improved pretty quickly once I did get the card. Maybe the lesson is that no history allows for a lot faster improvement than a bad history.
My experience was different in 2000 — maybe things have changed since then, maybe credit histories from some countries do transfer, or maybe it matters that I wasn't actually foreign. Three years in Denmark meant my US credit history was blank. I asked if there was some kind of problem — nope, there was just nothing.…
Has "In Soviet Russia, this joke is tired of you" been done yet? If so, consider my repetition of it a gift to ease your eventual reconciliation with impending death.
I'm not sure, but the umpire did measure the height of the pitching mound afterwards.
Incomplete forward pass, penalty declined, no play, no score, or illegal use of magic carpet.
When sizing a shirt, you need to tell the clerk that you don't smuggle koalas, because the clerks are trained not to ask.
Talking about the hang of a dress does not, in common usage, mean the speaker wants the dress to hang as if from a coat hanger, regardless of whatever body issues that woman may have had.
You mean Orion's Corset. Just look at it!
It worked for the Spartans. Wait, no, it didn't, in that the Spartans were so warlike I guess they had trouble maintaining population. But I assume the Purge is modeled on the Spartans and their annual war on the Helots.
How about if I just say, vaguely (and no one bother to ask for clarification, you won't get one, and I hope no one tries to start a discussion about it), that there was a dude with woman issues who I overestimated because in 25 years I had never seen such internet harassment, but later I realized that the right thing…
Ah OK. Yeah, nonverbal communication doesn't work very well if they're afraid to look in your direction.
Usually, if you're gaining on someone and they seem to be aware and nervous about it, you can fix it by speeding up and passing them with a wide berth if there is room (so it's clear you're aimed past them, not at them, and if they're uncertain about it then the encounter is over in seconds anyhow). I assume there are…
Shmegegge! I mean, no.
I had my avatar professionally retouched from my best selfie.
I agree about a King for every purpose except that there isn't just one fictional MLK in wide use. For instance, revolutionaries have a very different fictional version. MLK emphasized the undesirability of violence for the social revolution he spoke of as strongly as Marx emphasized its necessity for his more literal…