I don't think anyone disputes that a low-end MP3 can degrade sound quality, but Pono supports way, way more bps than anyone could ever hear.
I don't think anyone disputes that a low-end MP3 can degrade sound quality, but Pono supports way, way more bps than anyone could ever hear.
A probe sent from Earth slams into the station at 30,000 miles per hour, destroying the station and killing everyone on board. Somehow, enough of the probe misses the station that the probe survives long enough to beam back its data, and the story ends with NASA employees staring at the last decoded image in horror.
You are eliminated from the thread for failing to phrase your response in the form of a strawman.
It's the padding of the line to put "Bill-" where the line break would go anyway (except in a narrow window) that shows the grit of a true patriot.
I'm impressed you got the hyphen in the right place. You are what's great about America.
If the apology was good enough for Hitler, it's good enough for Eisenberg.
We'll soon know for sure whether Pluto is a dwarf planet, if its antenna picked up Scottish accents during the flyby.
Let's make the car a place of silent reflection from now on.
Along with its opposite. The joke from Huck Finn and Remains of the Day about experts on race issues who know less than those who know nothing will never go stale. Those most fascinated by the subject may not be those best able to draw reasonable conclusions.
Vampirism is a disease, not a moral failing.
First offense, fine, she doesn't need to spend the rest of her life in prison. But it's kind of telling that so many of those downplaying the offense implicitly invoke her being a clean-cut 22-year-old girl instead of some dirty hobo, which is a shitty reason. If there's a next time, even vaguely in the same ballpark,…
Maybe we could send a postcard to a librarian asking them to answer this question for us, or whatever the updated version of that would be — sending a punched card in a pneumatic tube to a librarianbot, probably.
It won't be cheap to reenact the moment when young Billy got bitten by a radioactive scientist (Marie Curie) and developed scientist powers.
Fair enough. (I didn't say Roddick was quite as good, anyway.) For sure, Djokovic has been a contender much longer than Roddick was. Double-checking, Roddick's span of being ranked #1 or #2 was even shorter than I remember, less than 2 years total.
One of the odd arguments one hears is that such-and-such isn't that great since they played when no one else near their level was active, or conversely, that you have three or four people who keep beating each other because they're all some of the best players ever. In a vacuum, I'm not convinced anybody can tell a…
A bloody supercut of kittens, surely.
I'll just link to https://en.wikipedia.org/wi… without pretending I'm qualified to comment. A quick glance through other, maybe more respectable summaries (Mayo, WebMD) suggests general agreement that dilutional hyponatremia is real but also (as you say) rare, much rarer than regular heatstroke. I also can't comment…
No wonder, the symbolism is all wrong. He should have brought zucchinis.
My impression (somebody correct me if I'm wrong) is that when you hear those stories about athletes killing themselves by drinking too much water, it's usually really just too much water (and possibly potassium to make it even worse) for the amount of salt consumed (usually none).
Mostly, the meat tastes funny because it's turkey pretending to be something else.