Eric Boesch

At this point other exiting writers have established a precedent for melting down. I would like to see the entire staff quit for 16 hours just for the sake of the insane kiss-off before returning the next day.

That's not a lineup, that's a setup!

My daddy bought those goalposts, and we're playing rhetoric my way or I'm taking them home.

Try it and I'll kick your ass so hard.

A documentary is a commercial paid for by someone other than the manufacturer of the things shown in the commercial.

I think I'll get a salt-water aquarium and raise sea anemones.

Overconsumption of fun facts can lead to physical addiction, dysphoria, and the inability to derive pleasure from normal human activities.

Kat, spit out your gum. It don't look good when you chew.

"Hearty," the physical manifestation of the A.V. Club's love, doesn't care about ratios. He appears on your shoulder after the 10,000th like and remains your loyal companion for life, cheering you on at every chance, and peeing in your ear if you visit The Dissolve.

Mr. Belvedere? Seriously? That's like a white guy wanting to be Larry Bird. What's wrong with June Cleaver? Show some imagination.

"I don't have a twenty, but I can pay you in other ways."


That is just wrong. The returning savior's weapon will be mad karate.

I never realized golf was a kink.

In England it's

Getting an actor to emote by handing them a fake letter saying their mom died only works once. That's why Wirkola won't be back for the sequel.

Your destiny has been fulfilled. Now it is time to sail into the west.

The most impressive part of watching a good player is seeing how easily they recover from holes, instead of having everything go to hell if they don't get the piece they want like this.

CHIEF: Pull the file on Jesse Humphries.

It's always fascinating to watch Walken in that post-Oscar period