Eric Boersma

Hitler was supported by every major church in Germany and Occupied Europe

Hey guys, I found the atheist.

Are all of the people in that Powers promo shot supposed to look like Sacha Baron Cohen characters?

If they hadn't shown the dead kid ad, everyone today would be talking about the Mindy Kaling invisible ad, which was brilliant and subversive, and Nationwide would be a hero right now.

I felt like billing the show as a Comedy Extravaganza was stretching it. These episodes barely raised to the level of comedy vaganza at all.

"Shut the fuck up, I tried" I believe was the exact quote. It was spoken in the same tone as Kevin's dad uses to speak to his voices, which is why I thought they were the same or similar entities.

As he was leaving, he said, "Oh shut up, I tried."

Detroit style pizza

What, seriously? That's…what? That's the best you could do?

I've never understood people who type out multiple 'o's in LOL. It's an acronym. Are you inserting additional words between "laugh" and "loud"? You don't actually pronounce the word spelled out by the letters, right? You're not going around saying or thinking "lawl" at funny things, right?


Clearly the national debt must be booming.

It's also possible that the 2% of Congress that disappeared was the 2% which actually tried to get anything done. With them gone, I assume the rest of Congress would be confused about how to get to the office in the morning.

Er, what is a second party game developer?

I don't feel like PC updating is that bad, though Steam is pretty brutal (especially if you're opted into new features and thus are on the beta client). Most of my steam updates happen seamlessly, at night, when I never see them. I don't play a lot of non-steam online games, so unless there's something really broken

Comedy is subjective, more at 11.

So basically they're a novelized form of essentially every romantic "comedy" since Harry met Sally?

That was my feeling while watching it, too. The show's kind of tapped out its potential, and as long as they wrap it up well, I'm going to be OK with the run I had and I will remember it fondly.

Probably Michael Douglass.

I hadn't initially read it that way, but I can see where you're coming from and I don't think I'd argue with any of the points you've made.