Eric Boersma

I guess I don't understand what about that you see as fucked up. I see what you've quoted there as a rebuttal to the theme that Sonia is pulling from the episode: specifically, that The Leftovers thinks it is trying to level unique criticisms at Christianity. The sentence you're taking issue with notes that these

In a world where 2% of political talk radio hosts disappeared into the ether, maybe we finally summoned the will to establish a single-payer health care system.

This was much closer to how I read the episode, too. Stealing the baby Jesus out of a nativity scene in a world where 2% of all kids disappeared from their parents homes a few years ago is a really fucked up thing to do.

You didn't italicize any part of the paragraph.

I thought the teenagers tonight were pretty believable. The first episode's party scene was ridiculous, but last night's episode full of teenagers doing crazy nihilistic things like setting up campfires in unused fields, smoking pot, committing petty larceny and trying to set things on fire is just…teenagers. You

Except for the part where he said that he dreamed her "walking through the fields of dead, barefoot, and they are all wearing white". The dude hit a bullseye on something that wouldn't happen for days, hundreds of miles away, while not wearing pants.

But only seconds before. You're like that guy from Early Edition but instead of saving people from fires, you just get to laugh at dick jokes a couple seconds early.


Piper's sentence isn't very long. I haven't been keeping tack of the show's timeline, but she certainly shouldn't have multiple-seasons-worth of jail time left.

The "in the coming weeks" section seemed to imply pretty strongly that things were going to start going bonkers really soon now, so you might be getting your wish.

Who the fuck even asked him? Who is he to sit in moral judgement?

Obese isn't a particularly useful metric; though. I'm 6 feet tall and weigh between 230 and 240 pounds and I'm obese. Most people would rate me "overweight" but I'm clinically obese.

Did MSNBC start advocating for public ownership of the means of production since I last looked?

This is surprisingly prescient.

There are ways to play CK2 that don't involve batshit insane schemes to conquer Europe?

This question about the internet is actually one of the places where I felt like the show's really missing an audience surrogate character. We're plopped down into the middle of this town and then there's a lot of stuff that's close but not exactly like our world, and so we're left with a bunch of questions. The

You get into the cult by chopping down the trees so that they can turn them into paper.

I remember looking up the Jack The Ripper after watching the two seasons of Ripper Street and seeing that picture and actually questioning aloud whether they were allowed to put that kind of thing on the internet without a warning or something. That shit was brutal.

I think Shepherd's Dog is the best I&W album, but I've still enjoyed the subsequent albums for what they are. I really enjoy Ghost on Ghost. I could definitely see an argument that it's a totally different direction and really a different band by this point, but I still enjoy the listening.

That was the one part of the episode that really ground on me. The dad seemed like he was having a really rough time trying to deal with this whole thing and his terrible communication habits didn't help at all, though I felt like that made a bit more sense in retrospect when it was revealed his wife had just recently