Eric Boersma

I turned to my wife and commented that they must've shut down Litchfield when the disappearances happened.

I'm here.

Sure, but that seems to be as much a factor of "Ubisoft can't optimize their game" as it does anything about rapidly rising memory requirements.

"Casmir Pulaski Day" was the song that originally convinced me Sufjan Stevens was worth listening to.

It's not impractical, it's impossible. Complaining about no BC in the current tier of consoles is roughly equivalent to complaining that there's no feature on the Xbox One which builds you a rocket ship to physically travel to the moon. That's the level of technical complexity we're talking about.

no backwards compatibility

Came here to write this.


I can't believe Disney gave them "Frozen".

This is Once Upon a Time. There's a 100% chance that the Snow Queen is someone's mother.

So, I was going to come here and say that you were wrong, and it's "just desserts", but then I looked it up and it turns out you're completely right. Thanks for teaching me something new today!

Unless I'm mistaken, he doesn't have a direct claim to the Vale simply through marriage, meaning that he'd have to be the father of the Lord of the Vale in order to actually maintain any power.

FYI, the correct syntax to create a quote is blockquote in the HTML tags, instead of quote.

Yeah, it seems increasingly unlikely that Robin's going to make it to marrying age. Lysa might make it that long, so that Littlefinger can make a son for himself to be Lord of the Vale, but I'm really not sure of that either.

Josh Lyman was from Connecticut. Does that count?

Granted, I don't know what, if any, statistics he's using

Jonathon Rhys Myers had it right all along.

Well, not with killing people. I assume nothing's off-limits in the bedroom.

Podrick will get an HBO spin off following the final season entitled Game of Making All The Ladies Happy which will just be Podrick and his massive junk screwing their way across a medieval country side.

Turns out Peanuts are just as deadly in Westeros as they can be on Earth.