
Some importers try to skirt these rules, illegally, by swapping the VIN from an older car onto a newer one. That's what federal officials allege happened with a 2000 Mini Cooper in New Jersey in December; they claim that car had a 1988 VIN plate that belied its modern stereo and airbags, which is why they had to crush

How many tons could a ton sonner son if a ton sonner could son tons?

The LED blorps offend the worst, the LED blips are such a bother, I really think they are worst of all the squiggles and squoggles

DD the Beat, track the Autozam, burn the Copen. #comeatmebro

PSA: they don't refuel. It's not allowed.

P13 is what they're targeting for a result this weekend in Brazil.

Based on the photo evidence, I would guess it has at least two tires

Now playing

haha no thanks the mi-24 is way more menacing. It's heavily armored and also the fastest attack/transport helicopter in service. If you ever heard one in real life you'd understand.

Rikk became so sweaty and flustered when he spotted his name on the top of the notecard and it dawned on him that he's been spelling Rick wrong for 43 years.

Oh for fucks sake your right. Maybe 1am comments are a bad idea.

Nevermind the fact that we can now get live HD video feeds from active war zones.

Take your brand new car, or even your beater that you rely on, out and smash it like that and see how funny you'd find it.

This was filmed in Australia.

Okay, thank you kinja fairies?

Should have built a new battleship out of that steel and named it New York (Battleships were usually named after States, so it would have worked) Out fit the thing with all sorts of new tech like rail gun cannon and freakin' lasers so it can rain holy hell down on the enemy. Its presence alone would make you crap

You'll probably check your Facebook.

That, right there, is southern NASCAR fandom in a nutshell.

Because Rotaries are unreliable, gas chugging, oil burning paper weights?