
Lol! You've lost your marbles. Look at you foaming at the mouth making all kinds of stupid assumptions and throwing profanity at me. Pretty much all because I mocked your beloved Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow. Consider yourself owned.

Lol! You've lost your marbles. Look at you foaming at the mouth making all kinds of stupid assumptions and throwing profanity at me. Pretty much all because I mocked your beloved Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow. Consider yourself owned.

You're wasting bandwidth clucking your pinched disapproval over my mockery of liberals. Shouldn't you be out somewhere being more sensitive diverse and aware?

HAHAHA! Nice projection there. The slobber is all on your chin, not mine. Have a nice night, prissy PC-ites!

Reading your pedantic snark is almost a death sentence.

You … don't really understand how to not take yourself so seriously, do you?

It's called having an opinion that may disagree with the faithful and I see the faithful are all spluttering and riled. Sexist, transphobic, misogyinstic ..Please do keep throwing the PC label handbook at me. Work a little harder and see if you can find 'racist' and 'Islamophobe' in my lack of give-a-shit about Jon

Ooooo sarcasm. So biting. Well that wasn't the least bit of a pinched thin-skinned humorless PC cat scratch. Hisssss.

I've been fucking watching Jon Stewart. I guess as a member of the faithful liberal choir you only picked up on his testimony that fit what you wanted to hear.

Never. Did I say that he was? No … certainly didn't. What he used to be was a liberal who did a pretty good job of humorously skewering stupidity-doers across the political spectrum but that's gone out the window. Now he just comes off as a preachy snarky partisan lefty. Forget him.

Meh. Good riddance. Over the last year or so he's really burst out of the closet as a screeching liberal. Rachel Maddow with nuts and a sense of humor. Wait … forget the nuts distinction.