
It's not about good triumphing, it's about, like, having someone to root for. This show is working a nihilist nothing-means-anything theme which is swell for a while, but the swelling's going down [for me].

Out of curiosity: do you have any deal breakers for Game of Thrones? If not a character death then maybe alienating off-tone wackiness, like Tyrion stumbles on the Statue of Liberty?

Word. If Tyrion dies some stupid way, and I'm counting execution for Joffrey's murder as stupid, I'm done with the show. I'll read book spoilers and move on to House of Cards.

I loved Todd's Crowd Work special. Very low risk / high reward.

>> we don’t really notice just how sad and isolated the whole story is.
>> He’s being a dick just because he can, because it will make him
>> feel better.

In my revisionist fan fiction for the show, Shae's testimony was all part of a master plan cooked up with Bronn to bust Tyrion outta there.

I parsed it as "Ser Pants" every time Tommen said it. Which reminds me of the time I met an Australian dude named "Mock." He finally spelled it out for me ("M-A-R-K … 'Mock'!")