
"Just hire a sex worker to take care of the cats, Grandma."

"over-the-counter miconazole or the single-dose pill fluconazole"
Just don't take the single-dose miconazole, aka Monistat Hellfire. That stuff should be prohibited under the Geneva Convention.

I really appreciate the detailed list of specific actions people could take (besides protesting, donating, volunteering in our communities, or contacting our representatives) that you provided. Here I was, unaware that by simply taking this "action" that you gave such clear directions on, I could change the course of

If she didn't have grounds for a substantial alimony settlement before the election, she sure does now.

He was 92. Regardless of the person's political views or likeability, I have never quite grokked the massive outpouring of "TRAGEDY!" when a wealthy, famous person, successful in their chosen field, with a happy family, dies of old age. That is the absolute *best case scenario* of life. It's not a tragedy.

That, and any kids a woman in her 60s has are long since grown and out of the house - it's not like he'd be signing up to raise toddlers.

Please forgive the on-topic post, but: BORIC ACID! This stuff works miracles on that persistent not-quite-infection low-grade irritation. Because of some ridiculous FDA decisions, you can no longer buy boric acid vaginal suppositories, but you can buy pharmaceutical-grade boric acid (not the over the counter stuff

Because women are taught from kindergarten that optics matter, that we must avoid even the appearance of impropriety, that "why did you go to his apartment late at night?" can be considered a legitimate reason to dismiss claims of rape. Men on the other hand are rarely asked to guard their "reputation" in this way. So

Back in the day when I was dating they DID have that option - you could mark certain questions as "Mandatory" ("Do you believe in evolution?" was one of mine) and while it wasn't a 100% dealbreaker, it was worth 500 times as much as the other questions. If they've changed that since being acquired by Match, it's a

I regret dating several of my exes. Doesn't mean dating them should be illegal.

How do you get from "children are a unique source of joy" to "all women must be forced to carry every fetus to term every time?" Your argument is for having children in general, not for forced birth. (And it's not valid even then: becoming a doctor, for example, is also difficult, disciplining, and uniquely rewarding,

I was so happy when they replaced Emily Yoffe as Prudence. Not only did she live up to the "prude" implication, there was also the random, recurrent tattoo-hate.

The trouble is the term autism is used to refer to such different things it's almost meaningless. On one end of the spectrum is "has trouble looking people in the eye and obsesses over random topics." On the other end is "completely nonverbal and requires lifelong care and supervision." Using the same term to refer to

It really depends on the tone of your play, yeah? If it's meant to be a satisfyingly cathartic satire, going full Wednesday Addams would be appropriate:…

It depends how often it happens though. If one dude makes one comment once a year and is slapped back for it, you are right. If women have to constantly be knocking back this stuff on the daily in their workplace, it gets old (and may meet the legal standard of hostile work environment.)

My feeling is that, yes, it can be annoying to feel attacked as a "white person" and prejudged for the color of my skin, blamed for the actions of others, etc. in a radical discussion group. But being prejudged as a POC in America is not just annoying or painful to the ego, it often means housing discrimination,

Dear JAGG, since your boyfriend isn't (yet) interested in a particular woman, might he restrict his search to women who already have stable primary relationships? Cuts down on the poly drama immensely.

There are "ethical porn" makers (usually of the feminist/female-centric variety). I've always thought a fair trade label for porn would be handy.

I am a happily married woman who has successfully used OKC to find platonic female friends. Making new friends is damn hard as an adult, why not take advantage of the handy algorithm?

YES, this!