
That’s surprising, because I keep feeling like a corporate shill directed to recreate Nintendo ads. I’ll be at a cafe, or hanging out with friends at their place, and HEY, I happen to have my Switch in my tote bag. Cut to me and peoples drinking lattes and playing Snipperclips. Or hanging out in bean bag chairs at a

Hmmm... lotta Rift stuff. For those with Vive, my must haves are:

Oh, fuck directly off, Russia. You seriously need to grow up or get a hobby.

Uh, if you want “freedom to create” you’ve gotta have freedom to criticize. The Anime Feminist isn’t trying to forcefully shut anything down, they’re just trying to provide perspectives that might make people think twice about what they’re watching. If that results in less people watching those shows and then less

Here’s the problem with hoping that bathroom bills will keep people from taking advantage:

Oh see, now this is interesting. You tried to make it sound like you had a problem with Schilling’s freedom of speech being penalized, but now you’re slipping in the fact that you don’t believe that transpeople should be supported in their gender identity. So now, because you think you should be free to debate and

Yes, I would fire you from your public position if you were openly supporting racist propaganda.

Yes, because transphobia, like racism, is only offensive if you’re an ultra-sensitive drone.