Eric Tate

I personally think Dell missed the mark with this one. This may be just my opinion, but this type of device is the type that is mainly going to catch the attention of Android fans mainly due to the fact that the huge size is going to be an immediate turn-off to the average consumer. And those Android fans are already

@orphic1: I don't think it was meant to be taken as literal as it sounds (which isn't our fault. he should have worded differently). I think the main point of that quote is that RIM isn't the only company encrypting data that is passing over the internet. It happens all over.

Damn right RIM.

"The TSA recently disclosed that they require all airport body scanners to be able to store and transmit images for "testing, training, and evaluation purposes." Evaluation of your balls, that is. Heyo!"

@peckels01: Oh absolutely. No doubt in my mind about that.

That is truly awesome and Bill Gates deserves great respect for that. No jokes or sarcasm from me in this comment.

@bsoft: Oh trust me, I saw that post the day it was published. I fully understand the complexity behind projects such as these and I commend Google for putting so much work into it. I'm just a bit impatient with stuff like this. :)

@DrewCSchultz: no need to get into a flame war here. Considering my BlackBerry is my 2nd-in-command phone and my Android-powered Nexus One is the captain in my cellular arsenal, I'm not trying to use "defense" to attack the other sides. Just pointing out that not everyone needs or cares about the Android/iOS

@Striggity: Not necessarily. I think one fact that seems to get lost on tech blogs is that not everyone in the world is looking for the all-touch 3rd party app driven platform that has made Android and iOS as big as they are. Many many people are still looking for simplicity and reliability. One thing that RIM has

Oh you Gizmodo peops and your NDA's. Waiting till noon today to publish. I love it. :)

What they really need to put focus on is closing the huge gap between a Google Account and a Google Apps Account. I fully understand the reasons that Google Apps has limited services available (IT restrictions, enterprise options, etc. etc. etc.) but there are too many bugs that are caused due to the gap, including

EDIT: Nevermind, looks like you fixed it. :)

@rob_p: Didn't really have anything in mind. Was just using the typical "premium service" model that a lot of other companies have.

On the upside, maybe random spam accounts would finally stop following me.

There's always been a fine line between theory and reality...

These will go nowhere in the medical field.....

@Anonymoose: she could probably bake us a cake in the kitchen she built for us with her bare hands...

Perfect clarification! :)