All I know is that the first one occurred in the parking lot of the Twin Pines Mall on Saturday, October 26th, 1985 at 1:20 AM.
All I know is that the first one occurred in the parking lot of the Twin Pines Mall on Saturday, October 26th, 1985 at 1:20 AM.
I have to wholeheartedly disagree with you for two reasons. Number one, anyone who would stand on it in the hopes that it would actually hover is retarded and shouldn't be trusted with $120 to freely spend. The second reason is that not everyone will store it in the closet. In the same way that some people are Star…
I'm pretty sure that the proper terminology for this is "attempting to be hip but really just being a retard".
Those boards don't work on water... unless you've got power.
You beat me to it!
Couldn't have said it better myself. I've had the premium $10 a month service since the day of the US launch. It's been worth every penny and then some.
Another part of the issue is the lack of support for Google Apps users. And its said a lot that the biggest diehard Google user group is within Google Apps users. But since Google still hasn't given us (yes, I'm one of them so I'm bitter) access to Google Profiles like they promised back in March, we're stuck waving…
I agree with you. And to prove it further, just ask people if they thought MySpace was "just a fad" six years ago.
Or, ya know, they could have just expanded iChat into a universal platform. Especially since the name alone sounds so much better ("iChat" has such a better sound than "iMessage"). I still don't get why they have virtually killed iChat as a brand. First, with FaceTime (what a retarded name choice that was) instead of…
I searched for that myself. But instead of it auto-correcting to what you are implying, I got "sock fucker". I guess it's just yet another reminder to myself that drinking at the bar and an "I'll never turn down a dare" attitude don't mix well...
Well played... I was pretty much thinking the same.
Score one for internet one-handed-typing creepers around the country!
This just reminds me of when we got a backroom poster in from HQ when I worked at Cingular but the girl on the poster was using a clear-as-day Nextel phone (I believe it was the i90). My coworker emailed Ralph de la Vega directly and said "Hey. Look at this. She's using a Nextel phone. Do I get a prize? lol". Yep, he…
I'm all for "standing up for your rights" but this is ridiculous. This is why I couldn't wait to get out of a previous job that had me join a bullshit union. I don't care how much your union disagrees with your employers offers. There is no excuse or reasoning for destruction of equipment.
This post is so sexy that I would lovingly shove it up my ass if it were a physical object.
I'm referring to the balance of power between Apple themselves and the jailbreakers (not the end users who use the jailbreak methods). The end users have nothing to do with what I'm saying. In regards to the end users, I agree with you. But that's not what I was debating.