
It's obviously a clue that leads to hidden treasure. Somebody get Nic Cage on the phone.

Didn't see that one coming. If true, this should make for some entertaining nerdy debate.

And when photos of that appear on the net, it will be game on. And the police would lose. Badly.

Right which is why they went in with handguns, the rifle was unnecessary unless they were seeking to kill it.

But if you know much about black bears, (as i'm sure they did) most black bears would run after the first gun shot.

Yeah only thing more bullets cause is collateral damage. Precision application of force has long been the munitions approach of our military, and yet our police force continues to pursue "more ordnance downrange" lines of thinking.

Yeah I lived in Philly when there were a number of cops that died on the job, however the stats all show it: Cop killers aren't as common anymore. You exactly right about never being in a gang area with a gun in your hand as a cop though. Everytime I saw a cop in the worst parts of West and South philly they were

Seriously, when Obama's pre-speech splash happened my boss was like "Oh look Iraq" only for my coworker to be like "*chuckling* That's Ferguson,Missouri!"

True, but lets also talk about overpenetration, that rifle looks like a DMR specifically a 7.62 x 51 mm one. Now I am not trying to jerk off over guns but those fuckers can pass right through soft targets, you shoot one of those rounds at a crowd you can not only get multiple casualties if you hit someone but its

There is no reason for a municipal or county paramilitary organization to posses weapons that the citizenry cannot own.

As a non-bandwagoning non-liberal who frequents Giz, Ars, and Reddit, I feel as if I am constantly bombarded with leftist views. Does anyone have a suggestion as to where I might go to find something that is more neutral? I would never read something like fox because it is just as bad on the other side. My thoughts

Well, We've been warned about the rise of the Police State in America by the tinfoil-hat-wearing loonies for ages... Who's crazy now!

Best piece of advice I could possibly give...Have a "check in" scheduled. Tell someone who is not on the trip with you where you are going, and when you are going to be back. If you do not contact this person at this time, they know something is wrong and they know where to go look for you. This applies for extreme

Wow, went full dick on this one didnt you?

I have to disagree. I was stranded TWICE. Once in Michigan while we were supposed to be ice fishing, and once in Burkina Faso (long story). Finding shelter is def priority Num 1. In Mich, I got lost (ok, I was wasted) and wound up in a stretch of forest. It was cold, it was snowing a little too much. I couldn't

You've already admitted you don't know what Survivorman is, or who Les Stroud is. Stop, just... stop.

I just see boobs.

Homer: Not a bear in sight. The Bear Patrol must be working like a charm.

The insistence on getting an iPhone by people who really don't need or use any of its capabilities reminds me a bit of the suburban SUV craze in the late nineties/early naughties. Most of the people who were buying these things had absolutely no need for four-wheel drive and other such features, but demanded it

I have escaped the walled garden of Apple and am happily enjoying an Android phone now; Samsung Galaxy.