"Are they the same?" is the a red herring. If both parties serve the interests of corporations, the Democrats' grand health care reform is going to be toothless. It is toothless. How can you believe otherwise after this decision?
"Are they the same?" is the a red herring. If both parties serve the interests of corporations, the Democrats' grand health care reform is going to be toothless. It is toothless. How can you believe otherwise after this decision?
Tell me, which party advocates making health care universally available and independent of whatever wage-slave job you happen to have? Which of the two parties is offering a vision of public health care beyond corporate control?
Jezebel's editorial viewpoint is just standard neoliberal bullshit. They're "feminist" in the sense that they want more female CEOs and soldiers, but the authors and most of the commenters are totally unwilling to step outside the conventional wisdom and think critically about capitalism, militarism, dumb American…
You're inadvertently proving the point. Exploitation and wage slavery so you can pay for wildly overpriced education = a society of suckers.
So...what now? More money to local police departments? Compulsion for Twitter to hand over private records? More arrests, more police hounding, more zeal from prosecutors?
Yeah, if a lady or gent wants to murder foreigners (and often enough Americans too), that's, like, their choice.