At this point, the story of Ryo Hauzki, while a personal favorite, is fast becoming 2nd most interesting Shenmue story.
At this point, the story of Ryo Hauzki, while a personal favorite, is fast becoming 2nd most interesting Shenmue story.
Magnificent comment. Co-signed.
Those stretch goals just provide a roadmap for enlarging the game. If they get more funding, other areas will be expanded upon. Those stretch goals will enable them to enlarge the other villages, Bailu and Choubu.
We have done this Kickstarter thing for awhile. I am surprised to still see this thinking.
Obviously just a mockup. The whole design will change. Suzuki doesn’t even like that design of Ryo, and has said he will look totally different in the game.
Having played it, I can't help but feel that Shadow of Mordor is actually much more in keeping with the mythic Beowulfian feeling of Tolkien than the farcical Dwarf-Elf romance in the last Hobbit movie.
Visually, and in terms of the psychological scares, this looks more like classic Silent Hill than Resident Evil to me. Having played the game, how do you think it compares to the creep-out vibes of Silent Hill, Tina?
Fire Emblem: Awakening.
It's from "the Citizen Kane" of movies...
We're obviously not going to agree here at all, which is totally fine. I think people tend to fall into one of two camps on these games, and tend to have strong feelings about it either way. As gaming gets bigger and bigger, there will hopefully only be more and more room for people to seek out the particular kind of…
I totally disagree with your premise. I think a corridor shooter in which you simply proceed from unchangeable cutscene to cutscene is even less interactive. Essentially you only have one way to resolve a given scenario, and often it's just trial and error till you hit that solution. People play games for different…
I think the term "QTE" is reductive and not terribly useful. What Quantic Dream does (for example, getting you to carefully move the sticks back and forth to help your child swing on the swingset) is extremely different from the "press x to not die" functionality of God of War.
In a vastly, vastly more primitive way. Dragon's Lair was basically a barely interactive cutscene that you could pass or fail. The interesting thing about what Quantic does is that there is no failure, you have a big effect on how events unfold and it can branch in a lot of directions.
Hugely excited for this game. I don't think people should be remotely fooled by the action oriented sequences that they've shown at E3, that's clearly just some marketing for the mainstream. Heavy Rain could be framed in much the same way by focusing on the action oriented stuff in the trailers.
It's inspiring to see so much humility from someone so talented. Respect.
I disagree with everything you've said, but I'm not going to change your mind so I'll let this debate end.
I've read, on Kotaku and a billion other places, no end of pieces that portray the wonderful work by the people in the industry at E3. This is the first piece I've read on this issue related to E3. So it's far from the dominant message out there, if anything this bringing to light something that might otherwise be…
I completely disagree with you there. I think when writing like this catches fire on the internet it makes the people attending these events (exactly the sort of people who read these sites, developers and hardcore fans) more considerate and aware of their behavior. The writing isn't to rectify a specific…
This is a terrific article Tina. I feel like in the last ten years of watching video game culture evolve the voices covering it have finally achieved the diversity and strength of platform to start calling out this sort of thing and being truly heard. That's what you're doing here, and that's noble.
Not to be too master-racey... but both Witcher and the Respawn game will also be on the PC. I mean, are we really considering games that are on PC as well to be actual exclusives? I believe Witcher is on PS4 as well.