
Resht in peash.

This video was just for BDG to flex his collection of mandolins on us.

You can’t claim to be tolerant while being intolerant.

I didn’t read the article or most of the comments but I think Chris Pratt impregnating a cat is pretty fucked up. His Avengers costars should be more ashamed/disgusted at what he did/didn't do. 

Hating people who are not straight and cis is not “sexual decisionmaking.” It’s hate. 

“these humans are lesser and should be treated as such”

Word. They’ve gotten me thinking now about his acting and general screen presence now and...well...I think he’d lose again even without considering his personal life, though Pine would give him more competition for the bottom spot.

Oh shit! “This smacks of gender” in the wild. You love to see it.

Newark, for example.

But memory can be collective, and the act of remembering is related to, but distinct from, knowledge. It’s a social process. A community can remember things that an individual might not. Even in individuals, the act of remembering isn’t static. As a pedantic Frenchman, you might be interested in what your fellow

Don’t worry - there will come a day when the entire world looks in their collective mirror and says to themselves “Wow, does my music suck. We were wrong and CruzeHatch was right. CruzeHatch was right the whole time. We’ve been such idiots.” And on that day, CruzeHatch, I hope you are prepared to tell the world what

I’m sure all our thoughts and prayers are with the coronavirus at this diffcult time.

Nobody is willing to say it, but with that announcement, you might have to be prepared for the worst case scenario of mass shooting on election day.

She’s basically transformed into Umbridge, a character who never went past a stupid hill that she was fully prepared to die on.

This topic always frustrates me because skinny people always like to fat shame under the guise of health. They always jump in with their “expert” advice on how everything has a simple solution.

This is what happens when you buy your Aryan supermen at Dollar Tree.

Also in The Leftovers.

In retrospect it should have been pretty obvious.

Little did we know Bowie and Prince were what was keeping the world from falling apart.