
Ash has been playing the game, but yeah, i don’t think the culture of the game is going to be weakened by an auto-logout for AFKers. If I expected any article on this subject, it’s about the above-grade communication the dev team lead by Yoshi-P has been putting out while the player base sees a crunch in queue times.

This went up a couple of hours ago. Besides the producer outright apologizing for not being able to predict something that was completely unpredictable, it also mentions that this change is temporary, though necessary.


It’s normal for any MMO to kick off idle players. I remember WoW did that too so people shouldn’t be surprised.

> Yeah they do weird, sometimes disruptive shit (like inflate queue times), but if they were gone, your local watering hole (or your MMO) would be lesser for it.

They’ve added this measure temporarily multiple times in the past and it hasn’t ruined the game yet. It’s literally impossible for free-trial players to even play the game on most servers because of the hundreds of people standing around in Limsa all day. This is a good thing. 

Yeah like I fucking said, if it was for sale that’s different.  Cooking for myself is my own fucking business and not yours.

The question shouldn’t be whether the staff can be trusted, it should be whether the attendees can be trusted. Con flu was literally a thing every large convention even before this pandemic because attendees invariably show up sick and spread it around, why on earth would anyone trust these same idiots not to do the

This has to be the most out of touch reaction I’ve read.

Anyone who goes this year is as garbage as the show runners.  It's absolutely abhorrent to run an event and not require vaccination.

Nah nah. He’s a father waiting on his family. Polo shirts are like, dad armor, you know? He noticed his kid left their backpack in the car while waiting. He picked it up and noticed his naughty kid brought their switch to school when they were told not to.

None of you truly understand the deep meaning behind this beautiful and powerful display by Nintendo.

It’s time for Nintendo to be honest in their commercials and show people what they really look like when playing a Switch.

A kid doesn’t disappear for a week over nothing. Even if he thinks that it’s “no big deal,” just keep that shit private.

“He also noted that “there’s a long story to this,” which he plans on sharing in the future.”



The first AvP movie isn’t good, but it’s not awful, especially for a Paul W. S. Anderson movie, and it stars Sanaa Lathan, like more movies should.

Surprised nobody has brought it up, but William Gibson wrote a script for Alien 3 which was set on earth. It’s even available on line as a pdf.

It would be funny if the Alien series was a police procedural with a good cop/man-eating cop dynamic.

...capitalism is the real monster