Of course. Because the 2nd Amendment only applies to white people. Any person of color with a gun must be a criminal; any white person with a gun must be an upstanding citizen protecting the Constitution.
Of course. Because the 2nd Amendment only applies to white people. Any person of color with a gun must be a criminal; any white person with a gun must be an upstanding citizen protecting the Constitution.
If I got millions of dollars and able to live in my choice of mansions, I would gladly be on that cruise ship.
Feel like there’s a 90% chance this is an anti-Trump song.
I won the debate if you decide without watching the totally one-sided “spin” that followed. This despite the really bad microphone.
I’m so sorry we failed you, sweet boy.
I cannot believe the family’s are responsible for the health care costs of a child in the US. It is almost as bad as the gun thing.
“huh, this was great, except it was a little too diverse.”
- Tim Burton, basically.
This is what happens when people don’t vote in mid-terms.
That’s pretty amazing coming from a guy who had a very public, very nasty divorce due to adultery while he was mayor of New York City. The gall of these men...
At least Hillary Clinton wasn’t stupid enough to put the New York City Office of Emergency Management into the World Trade Center against the recommendation of the FBI.
I love how their faces kind of collectively freeze as he starts to talk about Ms. Universe having “gained a lot of weight.” Like they’re all thinking “Shut up shut up SHUT UP WHAT ARE YOU DOING.”
I must ashamedly admit that up until her first run for president, I never thought much about sexism. Not that I sat opposite of feminism, it was just that the issue never much crossed my mind. Her runs have opened my eyes to it. There is much to fault her for and criticize her about, and lord knows I have, too. But, A…
“And lastly, as you get older, you have less fat underneath the skin and it gets thinner.”
The soap trickles down from the rest of my body. Like trickle-down economics. Except this actually works.
Typically, people don’t serve food on their feet, so I’d question this analogy. I don’t know your life, though.
I don’t but that’s in part because I’m terrified that when I put my foot down the soap will make it fly out from under me and I’ll fall and hit my head on the shower rack and slowly drown as the tub fills around my unconscious form.
Well in the shower my feet are usually in a pool of urine, which I hear is sterile, so yes!
I am your roommate. I also use men’s body wash and men’s deodorant and get my hair cut at the Hair Cuttery. Sometimes I think I don’t know how to lady, but then I realize that I’m just really cheap.