
They didn’t even make it to the ‘one month for every year of our age difference’ stage of their marriage.

When will she release the emails about her killing Vince Foster to cover-up the Juanita Broaddrick rape, which was payback for Broaddrick threatening to go public about the CIA’s use of chemtrails laced with alien DNA to kill JFK, who knew that it is physically impossible for man to walk on the moon?

So why no coverage of Bernie throwing a hissy fit over the tie in Kentucky and demanding a recount?

I just need to say this....

Rubio filled out the paperwork to be removed. The WA election folks contacted Carson’s campaign to do the same thing, but no one ever responded. True story.

Even better, Hillary Clinton won the Democratic primary. Now, of course, no delegates were awarded tonight to the dems. But this throws a huge (YUGE) wrench into the protests of Washington Sanders supporters who have been arguing that WA’s super delegates should vote for Bernie, not Hillary. Since more than three

Clinton managed to win the beauty contest. +7 and a turnout of 600k+. While it doesn’t mean anything, I do wonder if we’re getting a glimpse of what NV and all the subsequent crazy is doing to Bernie’s campaign and appeal. He’s always going to have his diehard supporters, but many of his Dem supporters have been put

Me too. His ‘British Milhouse’ joke killed me.

“Hillary Clinton (who is imperfect and corruptible but an competent and experienced center-left public servant)...”

It’s very hard to both acknowledge that Clinton’s popularity is mired by sexist attitudes about women in public life, and that there are also other reasons why folks distrust her or dislike her. If you bring up one of these points, people tend to hit you over the head with the other fact, as if they can’t both be

Dont worry, everyone else is also oblivious to Gary Johnson.

Hold onto your hat, people are going to scream Wendell Pierce at this comment for the next week.

As a concept artist, I think asking that question consistently is really empowering, actually, as long as it’s responded to appropriately. It’s not a “can we fit a female/nonbinary/minority into this character?” sort of thing, it should be moreso “is this character better as something other than a while, straight

BRB, laughing forever. :D

I just now learned they are the same tune and the American version is straight retarded.

Come on, Bobby. Let’s have some decency here.

Why is he allowed to show his nipples? Man has boobs and he's not trying to breastfeed anyone so I see zero reason why this is ok if it's not ok for me to let my natural God made breasts out.

“There’s a lot of negative stuff on Facebook and so I thought this would be positive,” he explains.

I miss when you had to draw your sex organ and mail it across the country in the hopes that the horse drawn carriage pulling your mail across the rugged, undeveloped landscape becomes waylaid by a pack of female bandits who seize the mail, find your hand drawn sex organ, and eventually track you down because, my man,