Gonna have to disagree with you on the “Chief Keef isn’t weird” part
Gonna have to disagree with you on the “Chief Keef isn’t weird” part
As an undergrad geology student, I had a prof who told us a story about visiting part of the Canadian Shield. They’re out looking at some rocks, and a tourist thinks out loud, “I wonder how old these rocks are!” My prof is like, “3 billion years old”. The tourist has this look of wonder on his face and says “Wow, how…
You love it. Don’t worry...we all do.
“and the dog was afraid to enter the ballroom” This is an issue I have with my ballroom ALL THE TIME :/
The title is just a joke, right? We all understand that domestic sheep have been selectively bred over millennia in order to have way more wool than they would have had in nature...right?
Wouldn’t free ketchup actually be commie? Charging for it is very American and capitalist.
Okay question, everyone here is all up in arms about the nanny and occasional cleaning lady, but why? If they can afford it why do we care how they maintain their home? Also, does that make parenting any less of a challenging life experience? Maybe, to some extent, but 18 hours where someone else is watching your kid,…
Yeah this seems like more of a communication issue to me. It sounds like if she’d just said she needed him to come home he would have. I know it’s hard to tell your partner that “no, it’s not ok with me if you go do ____” but it’s a really important ability to develop. Otherwise you just bottle it up and eventually…
Honestly. The wife works from home 3 days a week and the nanny is probably there while she works at home, like my son is at daycare 5 days a week while I work outside the home. That’s not a luxury: they probably pay much less those of us with full-time daycare do. And someone having who comes in an hour or two twice a…
I think the more we talk about how parenting is a two person job and over whelming for both parties, the more equal it becomes. There is so much pressure on women to be The Perfect Mother and not being able to say she needs a break, that good for this guy for recognizing he could do more.
90% of couples problems come down to bad communication. I made that number up, but my point stands.
Trump is holding a mirror up to America. But instead of being horrified of what they’re seeing, these folks are saying. “Yeah! That’s a good look!”
the holidaying Winklers
I feel like neither of those thoughts demonstrate either empathy or compassion for a fellow human being and her family who are, it seems, going through some rough shit. I like a contrarian as much as anyone else, but come on.
Because it’s expensive.
It reads like stereo instructions.
according to this...it would take 20 years...and cost the us around 500 billions to get it done. Plus the economy would be devastated....espacially California .
Excuse me, I think you are forgetting about prominent pro-choice candidate George Pataki, who is sometimes polling as high as 1% nationally!
And that lawsuit will cost the taxpayers money, not the police. I’m not saying she shouldn’t sue, I’m saying the proceeds from the suit should come from the police retirement funds. When the “few” bad cops start costing the “good” cops money, then maybe the good cops will do something about their “brothers” behavior.